Linux Links

Stallman: "God told me I have programmed the best editor in the world!"
Torvalds: "Well, God told *me* that I have programmed the best operating system in the world!"
Knuth: "Wait, wait - I never said that."
- Richard M. Stallman, Linus Torvalds, and Donald E. Knuth engage in a discussion
on whose impact on the computerized world was the greatest.

Power To The Penguin!



A Linux HOT Spot

What Windows Aspires To Be.

What Microsoft Office Fears!

Linux Security Homepage

CNET's Linux Center

Linux Security Archive

Bridge The Gap!

Linus Torvalds'Homepage

What You Need To Know!

GNU's Not Unix!

Webmonkey's Unix Reference Guide

IU's Linux Tutorial

Linux Installation and Getting Started

UNIX/Linux Tutorial Site

Troubleshooters.Com's Linux Library

Linux Survival

Little Igloo's Linux Tutorial

Mandrake Linux Tutorial

Quick Linux Tutorial

Debian Linux Tutorial

University of Sydney's UNIX Tutorial

University of Sydney's Linux Tutorial

"Tutorial" A Cup of Java -- With Two Lumps of Linux

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