Names of Richland County, Illinois Soldiers Who Partcipated in the Siege of Vicksburg, Ms. The Names are Incribed upon the Interior Walls of the Illinois State Memorial in Vicksburg. The Siege ended July 3, 1863.
Robert Adams/Gustav Altner/Frederick Ameter/Joseph Arnold/ B.John Bacon/Charles Bailey/Virgil A. Baker/Harvey Barney/ Felix Bartholomew/ Doctor Edward Barton / John Bassett / Wesley J. Benskin / James p. Benton / Adam Berg / John A. Berry / Jeremiah Brickett / John A. Bird / Charles Boggs / John Boils / Robert Bolinger / James Bonnell / William Bostwick / Wm M. Boughan / John Bowers / David Bowes / William Bowman / Army Brett / Thomas Brett / John W. Bridges / Sylvanus W. Britton / Thomas M. Brook / George W. Brooks / Daniel Bruner / Alvin Bryan / Charles H. Byrne C.Joseph W. Camp / Alfed K. Campbell / Hamilton Campbell / Huston Cabtwell / Jason W. Cantwell / John N. Carlisle / Charles E. Cartwright / John Cary / Marshall Chase / Davic Chauncey / Isreal Chauncey / John C. Cheney / John W. Clark / Bernhardt Clements / Thomas Clevy / John Clodfelter/ Michael Clodfelterr / James Conover / John Cottrill / Silas Cottrill / Elias T. Cowger / Andrew J. Counour / John B. Craig / D. Chas W. Daily / John M. Davis / Harrison Deck / Samuel Deck / John Deford / William D. Defulty / Henery F. Delay / Thomas Dever / Francis M. Dickerson / Josesph H. C. Dill / William Dishon / Henry Donley / Charles Drennan / Daniel Duncan / E. Van D. Easton / Daniel L. Edminston / Thomas Edminston / Elton A. Emery / Heckalia Enochs / George L. Evans / F. Rolando A. Fahs / Joseph Fairchilds / Hiram Fite / Wm H. Fitzgerald / John J. Fortnry / Scott Foster / Augustus France / William Fritze / G. James K. P. Gaddy / Ebenezer Gardner / Joel Gardner / Sylvester Gayer / William Gentry / Ruben Gilkerson / James A. Givens / Henry Glaze / George Glossbrenner / Benjamin Goyer / Levi F. Grummon / H. William Hall / James G. Hance / Isaac A. Hanley / Davic Harris / Jesse E. Harris / John B. Harris / Hohn W. C. Harris / Joseph Hart / George Haynie / Charles W. Heap / Peter Heckler / John P. Heifner / Robert P. Henderson / James Hesler / William Hicks / Joseph W. Hobbs / amos Holman / L. S. Holton / J. Cornelius Jackson / George Jacobs / John B. Jaggers / Thomas Jaggers / Murphy James / Edwin Johnson / Jacob Johnson / Jesse R.Johnson / John C. Johnson / William Johnson / Enoch Jones / Joseph P. Jones / Stephen H. Jones / John A. Jordan / K. Wlliam C. Keen / Benjamin F. Kent / Joshua / William A. Kent / William H. Kerlee / James Kerley / McDonald Kinkade / John Kranger/ L.William Lackey / william M. Lamb / Jesse Landis / Phillip Large / Ezra Lathrop / Alfred Lawa / Daniel Leach / Sammueal W. Leaser / James W. LeavellAmdrew J. Lee / Abner H. Lewis / Fancis M. Lewis / Jacob Lewis / Solomon Lick / Milton O. Linsey / Thomas R. Lock / Isal Lusk / John G. Luther / M.Daniel J. McCarty / John McCausland / Perry McClanahan / Ricahrd M. McClure / Jefferson McDaniel / William McDowell / George McKee / George McKowen / George Madden / William Martin / Christian Matthesis / Christian Mavis / Henery Mavis / John G. michael / Frederick Miller / George Miller / Gotleib Miller / William Miller / George S. Miner / Daniel A. Montgomery / David Moore / George S. Moore / Levi S. Morehouse / Andrew B. Morrison / Noah Moseley / Lewis Mushrush / Simeon Myers / N. James R. Nelson / William Nemmo / Milton N. Newell / William Nice / O. John Ooton / Daniel L. Osborne / William S. Patton / Abram B. Pearson / Josiah Pearson / Aaron Pepple / Joseph Perry / Charles Peters / Forry Phillips / Mortimore Phillips / William E. Phillips / Thomas Pickett / George W, Piper / Nicholas Polys / P. James N. Pope / William P. Poterfield / Ebenezer S. Preston / Josepg E. Price / James A. Pullman / R. Charley Ralston / James Ratclift / Sammuel Raymond / Shadrach Rawlings / James Reck / Herbert Reed / Simon B Reinhard / D/ L. M. Richardson / Thomas Richey / John A. Richie / Edmond I. Ridgley / Nathaniel C. W. Risely / Jiseph W. Robards / Sammuel K. Robbins / Johnson F. Roberts / Isaac K. Robinson / Joseph Robinson / Amos Rogers / David M. Roney / Henry Rose / John Rose / S. Eli Sager / James W. Sanders / Franklin Scaggs / Martin Scaggs / Thomas Scaggs / John B. Scott / Marcellus Scott / Thonas H. Seed / Henry L. Shepherd / Abert Shields / Sammuel Q. Shoemaker / Andrew Shook / William Shyock / Achillies Smith / Benji E. Smith / Joseph Smith / John Snuffin / William Stage / William Starr / Nelson Staufer / Sndrew J. Stewart / John H. Still ewll / Thomas H. Stith / Nicholas Stoll / Daniel Stonebarger / T. Joseph Tade / William Taylor / James Templeton / Hiram Thompson / Bennett S. Thrapp/ James M. Thrapp/ U. George W. Upton / Ellsworth Utterback / Jefferson W. Utterback / V.Oliver P. Vail / Thomas V. VanMeter / Joseph Varner / Herman Voight / Emanuel Voiggt / William Voight / Jacob Von Allman / John Von Allman
W. George Wagner / Joseph Walden / James Walker / L. H. Wallace / William Wallace / Charles Walser / Hiram H. Walser / William J. warfield / Henry Warner / William Webster / Alexander Wells / Isaac Wells / Christian Wheeler / Benjamin P. white / James T. White / George W. Wickham / Samuel Wickham / John T. Wiesman / Thomas Williams / Brenjamin F. Wilson / James Winters / Alexander Withers / Isaac O. Wolfe / John A. wood / Ira Woods / Lewis Eright / John H. Yonaka / John Youngling

Source:The Effect of the Civil War on Richland County Illinois Richland Heritage Museum 1998 . Copies for sale at museum. Book list also includes rank, company regiment and home town of these soldiers.
W. George Wagner