This page has photos from a cave my cousin and I were in, in Northern California. The whole cave looked like it had been sectioned and cut into squares, with the pictures inside each square. Some of the square cut sections had fallen out and the area was left blank, which I figured meant that an event had already occured.

The last part of the cave was in shambles. Everything had fallen from the ceiling and was piled on the ground. When we got to this part of the cave I told my cousin repeatedly that it was time to leave and we needed to leave quickly. (Something was telling me to leave) I finally persuaded him and we both walked quickly over the rubble toward the stairs. As soon as my cousin put his foot on the stairs his flashlight went out and that panicked him. I was right behind and told him not to worry. We got back up on top and it was PITCH BLACK, which made him real nervous, not to mention all the strange noises we were hearing. I calmed him down (I was a bit nervous but kept it to myself) We had been in the cave over 2 hours. According to the sign outside, this cave was supposed to take 20 minutes to go through.

I could barley make out the trails and I didn't have a clue which trail to take and if anyone has ever been out in the mountains at night, they know how dark it is. I picked a trail and kept my fingers crossed and boy was I lucky, it was the right one.

The impression I got from this cave is that it was all telling a story, from the beginning of time, to the end. This cave had numerous images in the rock that gave me an impression of lost souls. These lost souls appeared to look as if they were pushing out from the rock.

These pictures were taken with a 35mm camera and a flashlight. Some of the scanned photos don't show quite the same detail as the photo, but thought this would interesting to show anyway. Some of the things that came out in these pictures I wasn't taking pictures of and didn't see until the film was developed. The only thing that was done to these scans were an auto focus and a contrast adjustment. We were in this cave 24 hours prior to 89' quake in S.F.

# 1

(c) 1989, all rights reserved

This photo was taken in what I called the big room. The tall image on the left is a figure of a strange looking standing man. To the right of that is a strange looking woman with a face on the left side and an identical face on the right side. She has an owl perched on top of the left side of her face. To the right is another lady and her head dress has a catholic look to it. Many other strange images appear in it.

# 2

(c) 1989, all rights reserved

I really wish this one would of scanned better. I was taking a picture of something that was very evil looking (and feeling). It was of a face I saw in the center, about one quarter of the way down from the top. When I developed the pictures I noticed that there were images of brown cloaked (look to be like monks) men going up stairs. (Bottom half of picture. Follow the blue object down the white lighted trail) The brown images you see starting from the bottom corner right and going up the lighted area towards the blue object are the cloaked men. The very small brown areas below the white lighted trail, going down, are many little brown cloaked men climbing up to the trail. Many, many things in this picture.

# 3

(c) 1989, all rights reserved

This is very interesting picture. This part of the cave was called, Devils cave. Go to the middle center area, then a little bit to the left. There you will see an Indian with wings on his back. The wings are going up. To the right of that you will see an image of a person holding onto a black sword in the shape of a cross. To the right of that, at the end of the picture you will some kind of creature with legs dangling, and looks like it has earmuffs on.

# 4

(c) 1989, all rights reserved

Look at the top, a little to the left. There you will find a geisha girl looking to the left. Her hair is black and you can see a faint outline of blue around her eyes.

# 4a

(c) 1989, all rights reserved

Look at the top right, about a quarter of the way in. There you will see a white creature standing (full length, top to bottom) he has his right hand at his mouth and he is blowing something out. His knee is bent and his right hand is resting on it. Look at the bottom of the picture in the middle. There is a white reptile stading upright. Next to that is a strange looking man? standing upright, holding a stick and looking to right.

# 5

(c) 1989, all rights reserved

This is one of my favorites. Look in the center to the left of the picture and you'll see a white haired lady, with a dark eye, sitting, and facing the left. She has small crown on her head with what looks like angel wings behind her.

# 6

(c) 1989, all rights reserved

This is a picture of some of the lost souls. (The white areas)

# 7

(c) 1989, all rights reserved

This is my favorite. The white image is of a lady with her arms outstretched and her hair flowing back. To the left of that is an white haired owl-man like creature holding up a stick. To the left of that is a little brown haired boy sitting down. His arm is outstretched with a pencil in his hand and is writing something.

# 8

(c) 1989, all rights reserved

This is the head, neck and shoulders of a man with a white headdress (Russian looking) on. His eyeball is white and pupil is black.

# 9

(c) 1989, all rights reserved

Look to the right and you'll see a demon (spirit). There is couple on the left also. I did not see these when taking the picture. I was photographing something else on the bottom which didn't show up on the scan.

# 10

(c) 1989, all rights reserved

Look on a little past halfway up on the right and you'll see what looks like a sitting Buddha wearing a black headdress.

# 11

(c) 1989, all rights reserved

In the center is a man, facing left, (brown area) wearing what looks like a high hat. He looks to be Egyptian.

# 12

(c) 1989, all rights reserved

This one will difficult to see. In the center of the picture is a parrot sitting down, facing left, with outstretched wing. (White head feathers, brown beak and black eye. This picture is broken up into squares.

# 13

(c) 1989, all rights reserved

This will be another difficult one. This is the side of the walls. There were 3 men standing and they looked just like wiseman.