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A Believing People: Literature of the Latter-day Saints

Table of Contents

  1. History
  2. Biography and Autobiography
  3. Letters
  4. Journals and Diaries
  5. Sermons
  6. The Essay
  7. Poetry
    Nineteenth-century Poetry
    Twentienth-century Poetry
  8. Fiction
  9. The Novel
  10. Drama


Author Selection Title
Lucy Mack Smith Young Joseph's Illness
Joseph Smith, Jr. Joseph Smith Tells His Own Story
B. H. Roberts The Missouri Persecutions
Thomas L. Kane The Mormons
Leonard J. Arrington The First Year in the Valley
James E. Talmage The Death and Burial of Jesus Christ

Biography and Autobiography

Author Selection Title
Parley P. Pratt From The Autobiography of Parley P. Pratt
John Taylor The Martyrdom
Daniel W. Jones Some Early Mormon "Fast Days"
S. A. Kenner Indian Episode of Early Days
Florence A. Merriam Bailey Grandma
Karl G. Maeser How I Became a "Mormon"
Juanita Brooks Home Reminiscences of Uncle Will Brooks
Taylor McKenzie The Slow Bend


Author Selection Title
Joseph Smith To Emma Smith
Joseph Smith To Emma Smith
Joseph Smith To W. W. Phelps
Brigham Young To the Brethren Returning from Missions
Brigham Young Brigham Young's Last Will and Testament
Ursulia B. Hascall, Irene Hascall Pomeroy The Hascall-Pomeroy Correspondence
Ellen Spencer Clawson To Ellen Pratt McGary

Journals and Diaries

Author Selection Title
Hosea Stout Crossing the Plains
William Clayton Arriving in Zion
Mary Goble Pay Death Strikes the Hand Cart Company
Priddy Meeks Historical Chips
Joseph Smith Black Cohabitation: The Day of the U.S. Marshal


Author Selection Title
Joseph Smith The King Follett Discourse
Brigham Young Conference Remarks on Science and Religion
Orson Pratt Discourse on the Plan of Salvation
J. Golden Kimball What is a "Good Man"?
B.H. Roberts Protest Against the Science-thought of
"A Dying Universe" and No Immortality for
Man: The Mission of the Church of the New Dispensation
Gordon B. Hinckley The True Strength of the Church

The Essay

Author Selection Title
Orson F. Whitney Home Literature
William Mulder Mormonism and Literature
Parley A. Christensen Mormonism: An Eternal Quest
Robert K. Thomas A Literary Critic Looks at the Book of Mormon
Hugh Nibley Educating the Saints--A Brigham Young Mosaic
Truman G. Madsen Human Anguish and Divine Love
Edward Geary Goodbye to Poplarhaven

Nineteenth-century Poetry

Author Selection Title
Anonymous folksongs Once I Lived in Cottonwood
The Handcart Song
Marriage Proposal
William W. Phelps Gently Raise the Sacred Strain
Now Let Us Rejoice
Hosanna Anthem
Praise to the Man
Vade Mecum: From W. W. Phelps to Joseph Smith the Prophet
Joseph Smith The Vision: From Joseph Smith to W.W. Phelps, Esq.
John Lyon The Apostate: A Fragment
Family Prayer
Joel H. Johnson High on a Mountain Top
Eliza R. Snow How Great the Wisdom and the Love
Invocation, or the Eternal Father and Mother
Be Not Discouraged
My First View of a Western Prairie
Mental Gas
Parley P. Pratt Come, O Thou King of Kings
The Morning Breaks; the Shadows Flee
An Angel From on High
Evening Prayer
Cyrus H. Wheelock Ye Elders of Israel
William Clayton Come, Come, Ye Saints
John Jaques Oh Say, What is Truth?
Charles W. Penrose Up, Awake, Ye Defenders of Zion
Richard Smyth Israel, Israel, God Is Calling
Ina Coolbrith Millennium
Augusta Joyce Crocheron Thoughts Within
Joseph L. Townsend To Nephi, Seer of Olden Time
Hope of Israel
Orson F. Whitney The Wintry Day, Descending to Its Close
From Elect of Elohim, in Elias, An Epic of the Ages
Josephine Spencer The Long Steel Road

Twentienth-century Poetry

Author Selection Title
S. Dilworth Young The Brothers: June 24, 1844
Vesta Pierce Crawford The Fable of the Rose
Christie Lund Coles Modern Christmas
Veneta L. Nielsen My Father Tamed Wild Horses
Arthur Henry King On This Gray and Silver Day
Hot Weather in Tucson
Edward L. Hart To Utah
The Gentle Way: (To President David O. McKay)
Marden J. Clark Lines on a Line
Lael W. Hill The Pagans
May Swenson The Centaur
Any Object
Clinton F. Larsen A Letter from Israel Whiton, 1851
The Witness
Max Golightly Widow Spring
R. Paul Cracroft The Martyrdom
Emma Lou Thayne Pruning the Sage
First Loss
Sunday School Picture
John Sterling Harris The Assassination of Emma Gray
Hay Derrick
David L. Wright A Gathering of Saints
Thomas Asplund The Heart of My Father
Harrison Davis From the Land of Song
Nolyn Hardy Today's Dignitary
Marilyn McMeen Miller News Express
R. A. Christmas At Mountain Meadows: for Juanita Brooks
Carol Lynn Pearson To the Mormon Now Blessed With Roses Instead of Tar and Feathers
To an Atheist
Charis Southwell Complete Poems online, including "Reformation"
Clifton Holt Jolley Heritage
Dennis Drake To Jacob Hamblin (1819-1886)
Dennis Marden Clark Statement before the World Expands
A Name and a Blessing
Helen Walker Jones Cornerstone (Tracting in New Mexico)
Linda Sillitoe Trip Toward Prayer
Ann Doty Sterling and Jenny
Anonymous Give, Said the Little Stream
Naomi W. Randall I Am a Child of God


Author Selection Title
Parley P. Pratt A Dialogue Between Joseph Smith and the Devil
Josephine Spencer A Trial of Hearts
Nephi Anderson Lester Amsden's Love
Virginia Sorensen The Darling Lady
Eileen G. Kump The Willows
Douglas H. Thayer Under the Cottonwoods
Donald R. Marshall The Week-End

The Novel

Author Selection Title
Nephi Anderson From Marcus King, Mormon
Vardis Fisher From Children of God
Maurine Whipple From The Giant Joshua


Author Selection Title
Clinton F. Larson The Mantle of the Prophet
Martin L. Kelly And They Shall Be Gathered

Richard H. Cracroft and Neal E. Lambert, eds. A Believing People: Literature of the Latter-day Saints. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University Press, 1974.

Mormon Literature

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