Descendants of Godwulf Godwulf from abt 80 AD
Seventh Generation
10. (Woden) (Woutan) Odin (Frithuwald
, Freothalf
, Frithuwulf
, Finn
, Flocwald Flocwald
, Godwulf
) was born about 215 in Asgard, , , East Europe.
He had the following children:
11. Skjold King of the Danes (Odin (Woden, Woutan) Odin
, Frithuwald (Bor) Frithuwald
, Freothelaf
, Finn
, Flocwald Flocwald
, Godwulf
) was born about 237 in Leithra, , Denmark, Denmark.
Skjold married Gefion Gefion in of, Hleithra, , Denmark. Gefion was born about 241 in of, Hleithra, , Denmark.
They had the following children:
Surname List | Name Index
updated 26 July, 2007
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