We are no longer giving LASOTD Awards, however, please visit the award winners listed below

~The Tip Smith Pages~ November 14, 1998

~The Righter~ October 14,1998

~Free Nation~ September 12, 1998~

~Libertarian Information Services~ September 9, 1998

~Witness For the Right: Second Amendment Page~ September 3, 1998

~Advocates for Self Government~ August 25, 1998

~Sportsmen's Committee for Political Education~ August 10, 1998

~Site of the Sentient~ August 7, 1998

~The Common Conservative~ July 8, 1998

~Geoff's Firearms and Freedom Page~ July 4, 1998

~Economic Government Group~ June 22, 1998

~The Voice of a Few Americans~ June 15, 1998

~The Young Libertarian Pages~ June 3, 1998

~Wolfe's Lodge~ May 30, 1998

~ Consumer Complaints From The Dark Side~ May 18, 1998

~Pocono Libertarians~May 15,1998

~Candice Castle~ April 20,1998

~ Fatal Blindness~ April 1, 1998

~We the Sheeple~ March 12,1998

~The November Coalition: Stop the War on Drugs~ March 9,1998

~The Enlightenment Zone~ February 28,1998

~U.S. Out of The Gulf~February 23,1998

~Patrick Ruffini's America~ February 21,1998

~Pissed Off~February 18,1998

~Monadnock Online~ February 16, 1998

~Forfeiture Endangers American Rights [F.E.A.R.]~February 14,1998

~Liberty Journal~February 8,1998

~Michelle Malkin's Page~ February 5,1998

~Independence Hall~ February 1, 1998

~Arizona Liberty Nexus~ January 19, 1998

~Fight the Fingerprint Web Site~January 10, 1998

~1997 AWARDS~

freewillie's FreeLand

The Memory Hole

Top Ten Deck Chairs on the Titanic
(Cloth Monkey)



Quackgrass Press

Citizens Against Repressive Zoning

Civil Liberty

Dr.Tavel's Self Help Clinic & Sovereign Law Library

The Second Amendment Law Library

Libertarianism at the Mining Company

Strange Disposed Times

The Rant

Separation of School & State Alliance

Forfeiture Endangers American Rights (FEAR)

The Libertarian Enterprise

The Spirit of 1776

Enter Stage Right

Liberty Round Table

My Side of the Swamp

Liberty Activists will periodically award a Site of the Day which furthers the Cause of Liberty. The award criteria, we can assure you, is scrupulously arbitrary and capricious.

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