Collective Action Notes is a publication from Baltimore which documents and discusses different struggles (strikes, occupations, etc.) world-wide. We are interested in understanding class struggle and the different forms it takes in the present period, forms ranging from overt and highly visible struggles such as the French public sector strike wave in the winter of 1995 to more 'hidden ' forms of class struggle such as absenteeism. sabotage (broadly defined ), etc.
In addition to the Struggle Roundup, which carries brief information about strikes and other struggles worldwide grouped by individual countries, CAN also carries more in-depth reports whenever possible on struggles and social conditions in different parts of the world which are sent in by various correspondents. Book, pamphlet and Web site reviews are also featured.
Loosely, it could be said CAN is sympathetic to issues of worker's autonomy and self-activity. Although no formally agreed upon political perspective exists at the present point, probably most participants would define themselves in one way or another as being critical of the traditional left, and close to class struggle anarchist/council communist views, again without being obsessed by old ideologies or labels (such as the historical divide between anarchism and marxism), which in most cases have been superceded by capitalist development itself.
CAN cooperates informally with the Echanges et Mouvement network in Paris. We also produce pamphlets and distribute literature and texts on computer disk by other non-U.S. based groups. Our most recent pamphlet is "From The Bottom Up", a collection of short articles by Anton Pannekoek. Write for a free sample issue.
Check back regularly to this page as we have dozens of more documents we hope to upload shortly