How to make the Union work for you!

There are many employees in the workplace that work in union shops. Many of them feel like they are being properly informed and represented by the union. There are those, however, who don't feel this way. Ther are many ways to make the union work for you.

You are in a unionized workplace, are part of the bargaining unit and you pay your dues but you have not yet signed that Application for Membership. Sign this application. It is only these Union Members who can hold an office (position) within the union, go to educational sessions, attend conferences and conventions , vote in any union related election and attend union meetings. If you're paying the dues you might as well as join and have your voice heard.

Become informed. Request a copy of your union's Constitution and By-laws and read them. Also make sure that you have a copy of your collective agreement. Meet and get to know who the Officers of the Executive Committee are. Find you Shop Steward and talk to him/her. This person is a wealth of information.

The single most important thing that you can do is attend the members meetings. This is where you will find out all of the up to date goings on in the union, on the national, provincia and local levels. Here you will have the opportunity to learn what union functions are happening and when, what committees are active within the local (ie. Social, Grievance, Negotiating, etc.) and which members sit on them. You will get many chances to have your voice heard, by making motions, debating motions and asking questions or making comments on the item up for discussion.

Become involved. Attend training sessions, conventions and conferences. Offer to sit on a committee or allow yourself to be nominated for an elected office or position. The more that you become involved within your local the more you learn and the more input you have in the running and activities of your local and union.

Union Members

Are you an active Member
      The kind that would be missed.
Or are you just contented
      that your name is on the list?
Do you attend the meetings
    &nbp; and mingle with the flock
Or do you sit at home
      and criticize and knock?
Do you ever take the time
      to remember who is sick,
Or do you leave it to a few
      and talk about the clique?
There's quite a programme scheduled
      that I'm sure you've heard about
And we'd appreciate it if
      you would come and help us out
So come to the meetings often
      and help with hand and heart
Don't be just a member
      but take an active part
Think this over Member
      You know right from wrong
Are you and Active Member
      or do you just belong?

Canadian Union of Public Employees
Provincial Council of Health Care Workers

Always remember that the union is Your union and it will only be as strong as the members make it. Many locals tend to put too much on the shoulders of their staff rep and a few who are committed to making the Local work. This isn't fair to the staff rep as s/he has more than just your workplace to deal with. Often the staff rep has 5 or more, usually more, workplaces to help and guide.

Often members rely totally on their shopstewards and committee members (which all too frequently are the same members on all of the committees) to do all of the work. Remember, these people have a job to do at your workplace, a family and personal lives as well as the many functions and tasks that are needed to be done to keep your union local vital, strong and running smoothly. Just a little of your voluntary time is necessary. For example, offering to purchase and mail the birthday cards and/or sympathy cards and flowers to members at the appropriate time. This may take a total of 30 - 60 minutes a month which may not seem like a lot but to the shop steward who is sitting in on grievance sessions and answering many questions of co-workers, this 1 hour is a lot. Just your taking that 1 hour a month frees up that shop steward to attend to other union business or to be able to enjoy a little bit of relaxation with his/her family.
So, no matter how small you may feel that your contribution to the union is, if you get enough members to do things, you take the stress off the over worked few and build a more united union!

If you don't have the inclination or time to volunteer on any committees, at least follow the directives of the Executive Committee. They are working hard to make a united union strong in solidarity and this will work only if the members join them in this goal.

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