
Here are some great links. For more information on unions please visit some of these sites. If you have a union website be it a personal site like this one or an official site and you would like it linked here, please email me with your site. Also, let me know from what country you are from. I'm interested in how labour relations differ from country to country.

Canadian and International Unions with Locals in Canada

CUPE - Canadian Unions of Public Employees. This is the National website. It includes links to all of the Provincial Councils as well as to many other union and labour sites.

CUPE Manitoba - The Manitoba division of CUPE. It has many links to the websites of Locals here in Manitoba as well as links to other labour organizations within the province.

ATU - Almagamated Transit Union. This is the International Union's website.

ATU - The website of ATU Canada

CLC - The Canadian Labour Congress. A great source of information as to what is happening in Canada on the labour front. Also it lists many links of national and international unions.

MFL - The Manitoba Federation of Labour. Another great source of info on labour relations in Manitoba. Also more links on unions and labour organizations within the province.

United Steelworkers of America - Canada

CAW - Candadian Auto Workers

SEIU - Service Employees International Union

PSAC - Public Service Alliance of Canada/ Alliance de la Fonction Publique du Canada

UFCW - United Food and Comercial Workers Local 832

MGEU - Manitoba Government Employees Union

CUPW - Canadian Union of Postal Workers.

Teamsters - International Brotherhood of Teamsters. This site includes many links and info on labour happenings. Unfortunately, the Canadian link didn't work no matter how many times I've tried it. If anyone can send me a working link the the official Canadian site I would appreciate it.

International and Foreign (non Canadian) Organizations

AFLCIO - American Federation of Labor - Congress of Industrial Organizations.

Canadian Government Offices

Govt of Canada - The official website of the Canadian Government

MP's - A directory to the MP's and government sevices

Human Resources Developement of Canada - A good site for all things regarding Canadian Human Resources. A very good compilation of the Federal Acts and Regulations (Canada Labour Code)

Mb. Labour Standards - A guide to the Manitoba Labour Employment Standards (Manitoba Labour Code). Includes links to other Canadian Labour Codes.

Manitoba Government

Other links of interest

Community Unemployed Help Center Winnipeg

lgc inernet - A great resource for labour news and links. Canadian and International.

Fax Feds - A neat little site that allows you to fax your Federal representative right from that site. It includes names and numbers. Also, it doesn't cost you a dime because it is done from the internet!

I have tested all of these links. If you run across a broken link please email and let me know. Thanks.

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