Listado de Kindreds de todo el Mundo

Arizona Kindred of Ásatrú inc P.O.Box 961 - Payson,AZ 85547 - USA
Calasa Kindred P.O.Box 445 - Nevada City,CA 95073 - USA
Eagle Kindred P.O.Box 744 - Eagle, ID 83616-0744 - USA
The Eagle´s Kindred of Utah P.O.Box 521737 - Salt Lake City, UT 84152-1737 - USA
Gjallerhorn Kindred 8870 Navajo Rd.#67 - San Diego,CA 91977 - USA
Gullinbursti Kindred P.O.Box 1293 - Soquel,CA 95073 - USA
Oregon Kindred of Ásatrú P.O.Box 19700 - Portland,OR 97280 - USA
Raven Kindred Inc P.O.Box 392 - Redondo Beach,CA 90278 - USA
Raven´s Troth Kindred P.O.Box 392 - Prather,CA 93651 - USA
Sachrimner Kindred C/O Carleen Lanier - P.O.Box 81 - Marbury,AL 36051 - USA
Thorr´s Hammer Kindred Inc 9461 Bella Vista Rd. - Apple Valley,CA 92308 - USA
Tribe Of The Wulfings C/O Vor Tru - P.O.Box 961 - Payson,AZ 85547 - USA
Vinland Kindred C/O Steve Schless - P.O.Box 8422 - Canmore, Alberta, T1W 2V2 - Canadá
Wodan´s Kindred P.O.Box 190 - Union Bay, B.C. V0R 3B0 - Canadá
Grimnir´s Kindred P.O.Box 111 - Douglasville,GA 30133-0111 - USA
Har Steggi Kindred 7743 Pawnee Ct. - Morthington,OH 43085 - USA
Heritage and Tradition Kindred C.P. 244, Succ.P.A.T. - Montreal, Quebec, H1B 5K3 - Canadá
Lone Tree Kindred C/O Ragnar Schuett - P.O.Box 2366 - Loveland,CO 80539 - USA
Loreli Kindred C/O Peter Wimber - P.O.Box 1163 - Sheboygan,WI 53082 - USA
Midgard Kindred P.O.Box 4071 - Toledo,OH 43609 - USA
Mountain Kindred P.O.Box 407 - Hanna,WY 82327 - USA
Pathfinder Kindred C/O Kris Ingarr - P.O.Box 554 - Glasco,NY 12432 - USA
Skidladnir Kindred P.O.Box 357 - Shelby,NC 28151 - USA
Ulfhednar Kindred 7749 15th.Ave.NW 3309 - Seattle,WA 98117 - USA
Wings Of Ásatrú Kindred C/O Ted Schuller - P.O.Box 573 - Humbolt,NE 68376 - USA
Wolfang Kindred C/O Dan Gilek - 1211 Main St., Suite 202 - Billings,MT 59105 - USA
Hammerstead Kindred P.O.Box 22379 - Lexington, KY 40522 - USA
Ásatrú Fellowship P.O.Box 271 - Carrolton,OH 44615 - USA
The Great Ash Kindred P.O.Box 12541 - Columbus,OH 43212 - USA
Raven Kindred South P.O.Box 41015 - Bethesda,MD 20824 - USA
Raven Kindred North P.O.Box 1137 - Sturbridge,MA 01566 - USA
Pioneer Valley Kindred P.O.Box 56 - Chicopee,MA 01014 - USA
Margverg Kindred P.O.Box 625 - Denver,CO 80206 - USA
Lyfjaberg Kindred P.O.Box 35275 - Albuquerque,NM 87176 - USA
Odinshof BM Tercel, London WC1N 3XX - Inglaterra
Odinic Rite BM Edda - London - WC1N 3XX - Inglaterra
Odinic Rite BM Runic - London - WC1N 3XX - Inglaterra
Ring of Troth BM Aswynn - London - WC1N 3XX - Inglaterra
Hammarens Ordens Sallskap 37, Somerset Road - Irby, Wirral CH61 8SN, England
American Vinland Association 537 Jones St.# 2154 - San Francisco,CA 94102 - USA
Ásatrú Alliance P.O.Box 961 - Payson,AZ 85547 - USA
Ásatrú Folk Assembly P.O.Box 445 - Nevada City,CA 95959 - USA
Ásatrú Sögulega Bókasafn P.O.Box 35275 - Albuquerque,NM 87176-5275 - USA
Council of The Northern Way/Dragon´s Hearth Kindred C/O Eric Moore - 1015 Rutledge Ave. - Phoenixville,PA 19640 - USA
Frigga´s Web C/O Winifred Hodge - P.O.Box 12012 - Champaign,IL 61826 - USA
Irminsul Aettir C/O Susan Granquist - 2040 Kirkland Place NE - Renton,WA 98056 - USA
Raven Kindred Association P.O.Box 41015 - Bethesda,MD 20824 - USA
Rune Ring/Trésmidafelag P.O.Box 441308 - Indianapolis,IN 46244 - USA
Vigdan Eldr P.O.Box 30 - Meadville,PA 16335 - USA
Ullrshavn Hearth C/O Scott Chesney - P.O.Box 84396 - Fairbanks,AK 99708 - USA
Helge Vé Kindred P.O.Box 531 - Bouse,AZ 85325 - USA
Mjolnir Kindred 103 B Irwin SE - Ft. Huachucha,AZ 85613 - USA
Ravenwood Sibja P.O.Box 1012 - Grand Canyon,AZ 86023 -USA
Urdharbrunn Garth C/O William Bainbridge - P.O.Box 25637 - Tempe,AZ 85285-5637 - USA
Yggdrasil Kindred P.O.Box 23940 - Tucson,AZ 85734 - USA
California Ásatrú Council P.O.Box 1172 - Forestville,CA 95073 - USA

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