Pete's Kingston Labour Page
FTAA Quebec City 2001
The 2ND Peoples Summit Of The Americas
Monday Photo Page

Photos From Monday April 16th, 2001 Preparing For the Second Summit Of The Americas.

Environment Canada weather for Quebec City

Pete's Kingston Labour Page

Quebec FTAA Photo Directory

Monday April 16, 2001

Activists Arrive By Train From All Over Canada

Monday April 16, 2001

The Big Top (chapiteau) In The Port Of Quebec
Where The 2nd Peoples Summit Opens Tuesday

Monday April 16, 2001

The Graffiti Say It All

Monday April 16, 2001

Museum of Civilization Where The Corporate Conduct Commission Will Be Held On Thursday

Monday April 16, 2001

Monday April 16, 2001

Monday April 16, 2001

Monday April 16, 2001

This Welcome Isn't Being Rolled Out For Us!

Monday April 16, 2001

Monday April 16, 2001

Monday April 16, 2001

Monday April 16, 2001

Monday April 16, 2001

Monday April 16, 2001

Monday April 16, 2001

Butch Buchholz a Steelworker from Kimberly BC
Tests Out A Climb Up The Wall Of Shame

Monday April 16, 2001

But The Local Police Came Out Of Nowhere - No Practicing Allowed!

Photos By Peter Boyle

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