Teach Laighean / Leinster House |
Dáil Éireann |
Seanad Éireann |
Taoisigh na hÉireann
*Príomh-Aire: William T. Cosgrave 1922-32 |
party: Cumann na nGaedheal** |
government: Cumann na nGaedheal. |
*Taoiseach: Éamon de Valera 1932-48 |
party: Fianna Fáil |
government: Fianna Fáil. |
Taoiseach: John A. Costello 1948-51 |
party: Fine Gael** |
inter-party / coalition government: Fine Gael, Clann na Poblachta, Clann na Talmhan, the Labour Party and Independents. |
Taoiseach: Éamon de Valera 1951-54 |
party: Fianna Fáil |
minority government: Fianna Fáil with the support of Independents. |
Taoiseach: John A. Costello 1954-57 |
party: Fine Gael |
inter-party / coalition government: Fine Gael, the Labour Party, Clann na Poblachta, Clann na Talmhan and Independents. |
Taoiseach: Éamon de Valera 1957-59 (de Valera resigned from the Office of the Taoiseach in 1959 and was elected President) |
party: Fianna Fáil |
minority government: Fianna Fáil with the support of Independents. |
Taoiseach: Seán Lemass 1959-66 |
party: Fianna Fáil |
minority government: Fianna Fáil with the support of Independents. |
Taoiseach: Jack Lynch 1966-73 |
party: Fianna Fáil |
government: Fianna Fáil with the support of Independents. |
Taoiseach: Liam Cosgrave 1973-77 |
party: Fine Gael |
coalition government: Fine Gael and the Labour Party. |
Taoiseach: Jack Lynch 1977-79 |
party: Fianna Fáil |
government: Fianna Fáil. |
Taoiseach: Charles J. Haughey 1979-81 |
party: Fianna Fáil |
government: Fianna Fáil. |
Taoiseach: Garret FitzGerald 1981-82 (March) |
party: Fine Gael |
minority coalition government: Fine Gael and the Labour Party with the support of Independents. |
Taoiseach: Charles J. Haughey 1982 (March)-82 (December) |
party: Fianna Fáil |
minority government: Fianna Fáil with the support of Independents. |
Taoiseach: Garret FitzGerald 1982 (December)-87 |
party: Fine Gael |
coalition government: Fine Gael and the Labour Party. |
Taoiseach: Charles J. Haughey 1987-92 |
party: Fianna Fáil |
coalition government: Fianna Fáil and the Progressive Democrats. |
Taoiseach: Albert Reynolds 1992-94 |
party: Fianna Fáil |
coalition government: Fianna Fáil and the Labour Party. |
Taoiseach: John Bruton 1994-97 |
party: Fine Gael |
coalition government: Fine Gael, the Labour Party and Democratic Left with the support of Independents. |
Taoiseach: Bertie Ahern 1997- |
party: Fianna Fáil |
minority coalition government: Fianna Fáil and the Progressive Democrats with the support of Independents. |
* The Office of An Taoiseach was adopted by the 1937 Constitution, Bunreacht na hÉireann. Taoiseach (plural Taoisigh) historically means Chief but nowadays it also means Prime Minister. ** In 1933 Cumann na nGaedheal, the Blue Shirts and the National Centre Party merged to become Fine Gael. (For more information go to the "Celtic Government" or "Irish Political Parties" sections on my Links page.) |
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Buíochas le,
Marc Ó Loingsigh