Primer Pages 1-6
Sources for Primer Pages 7-10

Please Note: InsideDenver (Rocky Mountain News) has begun archiving all but the most recent
articles and is charging for access to them.

Primer 1: All in the Family

Missing Innocence, by Ann Louise Bardach, Vanity Fair, October 1997 
Hodges, Andrew G., A Mother Gone Bad: A Psychiatrist Looks at Patsy Ramsey's Secret Confession, 1998
Schiller, Lawrence, Perfect Murder Perfect Town, HarperCollins Publishers, 1999
Thomas, Steve, with Don Davis, JonBenét Inside the Ramsey Murder Investigation, St. Martin's Press, April 2000

Wecht, Cyril, M.D., J.D., and Charles Bosworth, Who Killed JonBenét Ramsey? Onyx Books, 1998
Former Miss America Contestants, West Virginia  
CNN JonBenet Ramsey Case  
JonBenet Ramsey Obituary, Boulder News (Daily Camera) 12/31/96 (registration required) 
Nanny tells family story, Denver Post 1/2/97  
Boulder divided on crime theories, Denver Post 1/2/97  
Boulder divided on the mystery, Denver Post 1/3/97  
When a fairytale ends, Inside Denver (Rocky Mountain News) 1/5/97  
People Magazine 1/20/97  
Police clear adult kids of Ramsey, Boulder News (Daily Camera) 3/7/97 (registration required)  
Why is this man smiling? Boulder Weekly 4/97  
Ramsey case a tragedy of errors, Inside Denver (Rocky Mountain News) 6/8/97  
Are they innocent? Inside Denver (Rocky Mountain News) 8/17/97  
People Magazine 10/7/97  
Once beat, Westword 7/30/98  
White and Ramsey were close friends, Inside Denver (Rocky Mountain News) 8/20/98  
Ex-Ramsey friends see political spin, Inside Denver (Rocky Mountain News) 8/25/98  
Ramsey friend calls for special prosecutor, Boulder News (Daily Camera) 9/15/98 (registration required)  
JonBenét glamour photographer jailed, Denver Post 10/17/98 
Man found walking nude told Deputy, 'I didn't kill JonBenét, Inside Denver (Rocky Mountain News) 10/21/98 
John Ramsey won't face lawsuit
, Inside Denver (Rocky Mountain News) 12/18/98
U.S.District Court Judge dismisses suit against National Enquirer, Denver Post 2/2/99

Ramsey vacation home is sold, Boulder News (Daily Camera) 3/26/99 (registration required)  
John Ramsey leaves job with Jaleo, Boulder News (Daily Camera) 4/4/99 (registration required) 
Burke Ramsey not suspect in killing, DA's office says, Boulder News (Daily Camera) 5/21/99 (registration required)  
Ramsey case figures find new lives, Inside Denver (Rocky Mountain News) 6/6/99 
Ramseys can't escape constant scrutiny, Inside Denver (Rocky Mountain News) 6/13/99 
ICSA, Inc. Profile  
Talk of the Town section, Boulder News (Daily Camera) 12/19/99 (registration required)  
Metro News Today section, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution 03/06/01   

Primer 2: Tipping The $cales of Justice? 
Ramseys hire only 'the best', Boulder News (Daily Camera) 1/18/97 (registration required) 
The Ramsey team, Inside Denver (Rocky Mountain News) 1/19/97 
A look at the Ramsey team, Denver Post 1/19/97 
Ramsey worth millions, Denver Post 1/19/97 
H. Ellis Armistead background, Denver Post 1/4/97 
Korten fired, Boulder News (Daily Camera) 3/29/97 (registration required) 
Ramsey Family Statements, March 19, 1997 
PR pro Russell joins Ramseys' camp, The Denver Business Journal 8/18/97 
Flack Jackets, Westword 7/31/97 
Picture perfect, Westword 8/21/97
Primer 3: Slow Train Coming
Missing Innocence, by Ann Louise Bardach, Vanity Fair, October 1997 
Schiller, Lawrence, Justice Boulder Style, The New Yorker, January 19, 1998, pp. 32-37. 
Wecht, Cyril, M.D., J.D., and Charles Bosworth, Who Killed JonBenét Ramsey? Onyx Books, 1998 
Boulder District Attorney Home Page 
JonBenét Ramsey case documents (affadavits and search warrants) 
Ramseys want role in tests, Denver Post 1/29/97 
Scheck taking a turn for the state, Denver Post 2/14/97 
Hunter counting on Dr. Lee, Denver Post 2/14/97 
Ex-Miss America interviewed twice in Ramsey invetigation, Boulder News (Daily Camera) 2/27/97 (registration required) 
Colorado Springs investigator to help DA with Ramsey case, Boulder News (Daily Camera) 3/13/97 (registration required) 
County DA seeking Ramsey case liason, Boulder News (Daily Camera) 4/29/97 (registration required) 
'Intruder' cited in Ramsey case, Inside Denver (Rocky Mountain News) 5/23/97 
Consultant hopes case aids cause, Inside Denver (Rocky Mountain News) 7/21/97 
Knot expert brought in to help police, CNN 11/30/97 
Cops considered stun gun months ago, Denver Post 12/21/97 
Hunter hires consultant on grand jury, Inside Denver (Rocky Mountain News) 5/5/98 
Boulder police conduct DNA tests, Inside Denver (Rocky Mountain News) 1/13/98 
2 Ramsey investigators have left DA's office, Inside Denver (Rocky Mountain News) 7/2/98 
JonBenet's brother questioned for 6 hours, Inside Denver (Rocky Mountain News) 6/26/98 
Sheriff declines DA's request for help, Inside Denver (Rocky Mountain News) 7/1/98 
DA still undecided on grand jury, Denver Post 7/30/98 
Hunter will have a wealth of assistance, Inside Denver (Rocky Mountain News) 8/13/98 
Romer offers 'special deputies', Denver Post 8/13/98 
Hunter adds two to Ramsey jury team, Inside Denver (Rocky Mountain News) 9/5/98 
Boulder County, Inside Denver (Rocky Mountain News) 9/11/98 
DA team, Boulder News (Daily Camera) 9/15/98 (registration required) 
Police chief will defend domestic violence record, Inside Denver (Rocky Mountain News) 9/21/98 
He aims to plea, Westword 9/24/98 
Expert points to Patsy Ramsey, Inside Denver (Rocky Mountain News) 9/26/98 
Smit won't release letter, Boulder News (Daily Camera) 9/26/98 (registration required) 
Did handwriting expert flip-flop on Ramsey ransom note? Inside Denver (Rocky Mountain News) 9/27/98 
The bard's fingerprints, (information about Donald Foster) 
Ex-Ramsey detective vows to help family, Inside Denver (Rocky Mountain News) 9/28/98 
Text of Smit letter, Denver Post 9/28/98 
Ramsey grand jury hears writing expert, Inside Denver (Rocky Mountain News) 10/16/98 
CBI expert seen with prosecutor, Boulder News (Daily Camera) 10/16/97 (registration required) 
Ramsey ransom note crucial in investigation, Boulder News (Daily Camera) 10/16/97 (registration required) 
Center for Strategic and International Studies 
Forensic chemist ready to testify, Boulder News (Daily Camera) 10/24/97 (registration required) 
CBI expert testifies for 2nd day at hearing, Boulder News (Daily Camera) 10/28/97 (registration required) 
Grand jury tours crime scene, Boulder News (Daily Camera) 10/30/97 (registration required) 
Grand jurors visit former Ramsey home, Denver Post 10/30/98
UC Davis Faculty (McCann)
Keenan leading for DA in Boulder, 11/08/00
Keenan's win pleases Alex Hunter, Daily Times-Call 11/09/00
It's a new dawn for DA's office, 11/12/00
Ramsey attorney wants statement, 11/26/00
Keenan inherits Ramsey case, The Denver Post 12/24/00
DA seeks approval for new aide, 01/09/01
Primer 4: Silent Night, Unholy Night
Missing Innocence, by Ann Louise Bardach, Vanity Fair, October 1997
Schiller, Lawrence, Perfect Murder Perfect Town, HarperCollins Publishers, 1999
Wecht, Cyril, M.D., J.D., and Charles Bosworth, Who Killed JonBenét Ramsey? Onyx Books, 1998
Hodges, Andrew G., A Mother Gone Bad: A Psychiatrist Looks at Patsy Ramsey's Secret Confession, 1998 
City of Boulder, Ramsey case press releases 
JonBenét Ramsey case documents (autopsy report, search warrants) 
Family called neighbors first, Denver Post 1/1/97 
CNN Interview Transcript, Denver Post 1/2/97 
Search of Ramsey house ends, Inside Denver (Rocky Mountain News) 1/5/97 
Ramsey warrant dated December 26, 1996, Boulder News (Daily Camera) 9/29/97 (registration required) 
Ramsey warrant dated December 27, 1996, Boulder News (Daily Camera) 9/29/97 (registration required) 
Ramsey warrant dated December 29, 1996, Boulder News (Daily Camera) 9/29/97 (registration required) 
Ramsey warrant dated January 30, 1997, Boulder News (Daily Camera) 9/29/97 (registration required) 
Ramsey 911 call tape shows contradictions, Boulder News (Daily Camera) 8/21/98 (registration required) 
Ramseys on British TV, Denver Post 7/5/98 
Ramsey cop visits grand jury, Boulder News (Daily Camera) 9/21/98 (registration required) 
Lawsuit against former police chief put on hold, Inside Denver (Rocky Mountain News) 9/24/98 
First detectives at Ramsey house called to grand jury, Inside Denver (Rocky Mountain News) 9/25/98
Primer 5: Compelling Evidence
City of Boulder, Ramsey case press releases 
JonBenét Ramsey case documents (autopsy report, search warrants)  
Colorado statutes; click "statutes by word" search option, enter "grand jury"  
Ramsey Family Statements  
Police can't force Ramseys to talk, defense lawyers say, Inside Denver (Rocky Mountain News) 1/8/97 
Ramsey-case secrecy unusual, Inside Denver (Rocky Mountain News) 2/9/97 
Cops want more writing from Ramsey dad, Denver Post 2/18/97  
Ramseys believe they're at top of suspect list, spokesman says, Inside Denver (Rocky Mountain News) 2/25/97  
Ramseys' silence protected, Inside Denver (Rocky Mountain News) 3/9/97 
Ramsey doctors: No history of abuse, Boulder News (Daily Camera) 3/16/97 (registration required)  
Boulder authorities negotiating, Inside Denver (Rocky Mountain News) 4/26/97
Primer 6: The Ultimate Cop-Out
Boulder Police Department, 
JonBenét Ramsey case documents, (autopsy reports, search warrants) 
Two detectives dropped from Ramsey murder case, Boulder News (Daily Camera) 5/14/97 (registration required) 
Boulder cops get some help, Denver Post 8/2/97 
Hunter: Grand jury possible, Denver Post 9/17/97 
JonBenét lawyers entangled, Inside Denver (Rocky Mountain News) 9/24/97 
Ramsey case chief replaced, Boulder News (Daily Camera) 10/10/97 (registration required) 
Koby pulls cops from 'war room', Denver Post 10/11/97 
Police commander resigns, Boulder News (Daily Camera) 11/23/97 (registration required) 
Sergeant, city reach agreement, Boulder News (Daily Camera) 11/26/97 (registration required) 
Profiles of the Ramsey 'I-Team', Boulder News (Daily Camera) 12/6/97 (registration required) 
Detective resigns in anger, Denver Post 8/7/98
Detective Resigns from JonBenet Ramsey Investigation, Accuses D.A. of Crippling Case, Lawstreet Journal 8/7/98   
The Thomas resignation letter, Inside Denver (Rocky Mountain News) 8/8/98 
Hunter's team meets with jury, Boulder News (Daily Camera) 9/16/98 (registration required) 
The JonBenét Ramsey grand jury, Boulder News (Daily Camera) 9/17/97 (registration required) 
Ramsey jury gets overview, , Inside Denver (Rocky Mountain News) 9/17/98 
Ramsey cop visits grand jury, Boulder News (Daily Camera) 9/23/97 (registration required) 
1st cops on scene testify, Denver Post 10/9/98 
Arndt, Mason called before grand jury, Boulder News (Daily Camera) 9/25/97 (registration required) 
Ramsey grand jury hears what cops saw, Boulder News (Daily Camera) 9/26/98 (registration required) 
Arndt back before grand jury, Boulder News (Daily Camera) 9/30/98 (registration required) 
First detective at scene returns to JonBenét grand jury, Inside Denver (Rocky Mountain News) 9/30/98 
Ramsey must give deposition, Denver Post 10/9/98 
Ramsey to appear, for civil case, Boulder News (Daily Camera) 10/11/98 (registration required) 
Detective testifies at Ramsey grand jury, Inside Denver (Rocky Mountain News) 10/14/98 
More detective action for Ramsey grand jury, Boulder News (Daily Camera) 10/14/98 (registration required) 
CBI expert seen with prosecutor, Boulder News (Daily Camera) 10/16/98 (registration required) 
Grand jury tours crime scene, Boulder News (Daily Camera) 10/30/98 (registration required)
Another Ramsey detective resigns, Boulder News (Daily Camera) 3/19/99 (registration required)
Ramsey case figures find new lives, Inside Denver (Rocky Mountain News) 6/6/99 
Ramsey detective promoted, Boulder News (Daily Camera) 10/30/99 (registration required)
Ramsey detective promoted: Detective Sgt. Tom Wickman's promotion among many changes in Boulder department, Boulder News (Daily Camera) 12/24/99 (registration required)
'There's no escaping this deal,' ex-cop says of JonBenet case: Officer who left Boulder will watch tonight's movie , Inside Denver (Rocky Mountain News) 2/27/2000
Sources for Primer Pages 7-10
Primer: | Cover | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
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