This list of Chassidic dynasties (hoyfn) comes from people who have submitted information after hearing about this project.
The criteria for appearing on the list is flexible. Most of these dynasties are still in existence today. Those that were decimated in the Holocaust are listed as well, with a note that that dynasty is defunct. In some cases, there is an indication that the dynasty has merged with another one.
There is a problem with the "-ir" or "-er" suffixes. Sometimes it is not clear whether that ending belongs to the name or whether it is an adjectival appendage. There is also a problem with the spelling. In most cases, the name that has the preponderance of listings in Google was selected.
Not every dynasty on the list has a functioning court (hoyf) and a living Rebbe.
The list strives to include the following information:
Submit information to David Grossman. Credit will always be given to the person who submits information for this website.
The basis listing was created in late 5764 / mid-2004 by Eliyahu Shmuel of the Chassidus group. The list was expanded since that time, thanks to other submissions.
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