The Totally Rad Eighties Webring!
Like, totally!
Owned and opperated by Callista herself!
To see if you qualify for a spot on this webring, click here
If you know you qualify and would like to join this majorly fabulous webring, fill out the form below!
You are not yet added to the ring, however. You need to add the webring fragment located just below this paragraph
first. To view the code for this fragment, just go up to the top bar on your browser and click on "View", then from
there, select "View Document Source" and the code for the entire page will be revealed to you. Just copy the code from the
brackets that say "Begin Webring Fragment" to "End Webring Fragment" and paste the code onto your webpage editor, add in your site
ID# and email address in the blanks where it says to, and, voila! You have a fully fuctional Webring Fragment! Just remember that you
must have this fragment on your page to be added. YOU WILL NOT BE ADDED WITHOUT THE FRAGMENT!