Every Person is a mixture of good and bad, weak and
strong, conformity and non-conformity. Crime, deliquency
and drug-abuse are sometimes a by-product of our modern,
urban and industralised society with its demands, status
symbols and material emphasis.
Some people, because of their innate ability, strong
family ties, religious convictions or other strengths in
character never seriously break the law or take to drug
abuse. Others who are less endowed with these strengths
and social advantages, are more rebellious and posses the
scars of mal-adjustment. They break the law and take to
drugs because of their inabilty to cope with their
personal problems.
Among drug takers there is a distinction between those
who are experimenters, whose behaviour may be a result of
emotional or educational difficulties or a reaction to
authority or simply boredem; or 'hardcore' users whose
behaviour is a symptom of deep-rooted mal-adjustment and
personality disorders. Many of the 'experimenters' who
had or used drugs, once or twice grow out of their
pattern of behaviour as they move to adult
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