Zea's Happy List :)

(in no particular order :)

Snuggling..warm clothes, fresh from the dryer...Shorty...Dad...when Mom and Dad still hold hands...Ashland University...Oregon State University...Justin Roach...spooning...Dr. Martens...Oh the Places You'll Go"...Dr. Seuss...sparkly snow...winter...spring...summer...fall...HUGS!...Jesus Christ...getting real mail...Kyle Dickerson...two words: ROAD TRIP!...Oregon...Ohio...waking up in the arms of someone special...carving pumpkins...LOSING WEIGHT!...Jimmy Buffett...graduating...my car...the mountains...the ocean...Amy Carraher...Karen Buck...Matt Ladin...snow angels...Thanksgiving...Christmas!...How the Grinch Stole Christmas"...coloring my hair...Ashland University Campus Activities Board...Ashland University Orientation Team...Kelly Pettigrew..."American Pie" (both the song and the movie :)...young children...old people...old people who think they are young children...shopping (when I have money)...Destry Coursey...Gap Jeans...being told that I make a difference :)...line dancing...Nancy Carr...Zea's Leadership Credo...Zoe...Denny's at 3 am...Ford trucks...Cedar Point...COASTER GIRLS!...Shane Yates...Phi Psi formals...Phi Psi's...a winning team...the Peaslee's...the Wood's...inside jokes...Homecoming '98...BW-3...4-H..."feel-good" movies...traveling to places I've never been...cute boys...sexy men...getting "shnookered"...county fairs...Cleveland Indians...Ohio State Buckeyes...playing "spoons" all night...spooning...Zack...country music...Garth Brooks!!!...Chris Gaines..."It's a Wonderful Life"...feeling smart...getting lost...Conkle's Hollow...Nashville...CSSA...my assistantship here at OSU...working out...just being goofy :)...Casper ("Can I keep you?" :)...flying...hopping a plane to LA at the spur of the moment...living by myself...Zebras..."Let's go boogie!"...Linda Paschke...my new computer...falling in love (or so I've heard)...Laughing so hard your face hurts...Angela Austin...a hot bubble bath...no lines at the the grocery...a special glance...hearing a great song on the radio (like that great scene in Jerry Mcguire)...sitting on the front porch during a thunderstorm...giggling :)...the beach...finding a $20 bill in your coat from last winter...midnight phone calls that last for hours...having someone tell you that you're beautiful...laughing at an inside joke...accidentally overhearing someone say something nice about you...waking up and realizing you still have a few hours left to sleep...puppies!...late night talks with your roommate that keep you from sleeping (or studying ;)...having someone play with your hair...sweet dreams...hot chocolate...swinging on swings...song lyrics printed inside your new CD so you can sing along without feeling stupid...making eye contact with a cute stranger...making chocolate chip cookies!...running into an old friend and realizing that some things (good or bad) never change...roller coasters!...watching the expression someone's face as they open a much-desired present from you...watching the sunrise...watching the sunset...getting out of bed every morning and thanking God for another beautiful day!