My Bahamaland    

        I hail from the beautiful islands of the Bahamas and I can truly say that it's better in the Bahamas. The weather is much better than that of Texas. I've been away from home for years and I am still homesick. I can't wait to move back. 

       Made up of 700 islands in the sun surrounded by the most gorgeous blue waters  I have had the  pleasure of visiting a few of them - New Providence, Freeport, Andros, Ragged Island and Blue Lagoon (yes it count's it's an island).  Find out more about these islands at Bahamas -On-Line , The Bahama Islands, or Bahamasnet and many more.    

Me and my twin brother Brandon at Blue Lagoon

    The Bahamas is indeed a beautiful place with beautiful people - hey I'm from there that should tell you something.     I really miss home especially  the beautiful beaches. Did I mention I can't wait to go back.  

    Although I'm far from home I don't fell too far because of modern technology. I can still read my news from home - even if it is a few days late. But thanks to the people at the The Nassau Guardian I keep informed.   

 I can even watch the news and listen to several Bahamian radio stations including Island FM on Da Bahamian Ting I can't wait for them to bring Joy FM online though. It is a jamming Bahamian Gospel Station. 

     Then there is also the Bahamanet the' 701st Island of the Bahamas you can go from anywhere in the world and chat under the juju tree or just mix and mingle with other Bahamians and friends.

My Cousin The Dancer New Years 06 Junkanoo Parade

Friends of the Bahamas  is an extensive collection of Bahamian Sites that Reg and Kit have put together. It is a must see with great links to the Bahamas.

Me snorkeling in Freeport

I have truly learned to appreciate what my country offers after living in Canada. Especially the fact that we don't pay 14.5 % tax on everything and don't have to file tax returns. Praise God we pay no such taxes. The Bahamas is a country full of opportunity and without a doubt I will return and contribute to helping our country move forward , upward, onward together. March on Bahamaland!!

    Picture Time

Coat of Arms

Maps of the Bahama Islands
More Beautiful Beaches

My Hompage