Close to my heart!!!!
My Family
God is so good and not a day goes by with out me thanking Him for my family.
I couldn't have picked a better one myself.
I was the first child born to Mr. Eustace Jennings and Ms. Bernadette Wilson- Jennings.
God further blessed our house with 3 energetic, hyper, over active mischievous boys :
Eustace Earle Jennings Jr. - 19 years old, Brian Edgar Jennings - 13  and
Brandon Elvardo Jennings - 10 years old.
As Brandon - my youngest brother was born on my 16th birthday, I think that is the last of us.
I have a great family and the most wonderful parents.
They are more than my parents they are my friends and I have a great deal of respect for them.
I  realized how much they meant to me when I moved from home.
I miss them so much and can't wait to move back home for GOOD.
They always provide to the best of their means and many times even more. 
"The family that prayers together stays together".
I thank God for  them waking me up every morning for worship.
I thank them for training me in the right way.
For teaching me the precepts as God has instructed them too.
Once again I say PRAISE THE LORD.
My Family - Left to right Brnadon, Mommy, Brian (front), Daddy, Me and Earl!!
My Extended family
My father was born inĀ  Turk's and Cacios and has a large family of 13 brothers and sisters.
They are scattered throughout the islands of the Bahamas, Turks and Cacios
and the United States but we are still relatively close.
My grandmother is a great cook and I can rightfully blame most of my weight on her.
My mother is a native Bahamian hailing from Ragged Island.
I and the opportunity in summer 1999 to visit the island for the burial of my great-grandfather.
This side of the family is smaller with 7 uncles and aunts
and 12 grandchildren of which I am the 2nd oldest.
Living just footsteps away from each other these households are very close.
My grand mother passed away suddenly in March of 1997 at a young age of 68
and it was a hard time for us.
But with the comforting powers of God we made it through and came out even closer than before.
Birthday's and holidays are celebrated with a family gathering with lots of food.
My Montreal Family
It would be wrong of me not to mention my special family I found in Montreal.
When I went to Montreal in 1997 year I didn't know anyone.
But God has a way of providing for His people.
Within no time I found a church that was though small , warm and loving.
I have more Aunts and Uncle than I ever did.
I have a special adopted family who I spend the Holidays with -The wonderful St Louis family.
Aunty Val is an amazing cook and picks up where my grandmother left off.
My other family includes:
Auntie Elsie, Auntie Shirley, Auntie Dorian, Sister Benjamin, etc, etc
When I graduted in June 2000 and it was time to leave and very hard to do.
My father had to come to reclaim else they won't have let me go.
My Houston Family
God did it again, provided me with a loving family when I moved to Houston.
I came to Houston with a broken heart and dreams and all alone.
But as God had provided love and support for me in the past he did it again.
I also found 2 of my grandaunts there and my cousin and his wife who are just wonderful.
After visiting a few churches I found one that I knew was the one for me ... Fondren SDA.
They are my family here in Houston. When I am away from them I miss them.
I have several adopted families, The McCleans, The Johnsons & Kenebrews and so many more.
I love children and all the kids I teach at my church bring me so much joy.
My Friends!!!!!
God has also blessed me with great friends throughout my lifetime.
There are times when friendships have to end but life goes on.
My bestest friend in the world, after Jesus, is my Mother.
Some of my closest friends include but not limited to :
Latasha, Tamieka, Rhonda, Vanessa Joseph, The Old BTR, The PAL shopping crew,
Jenise, Kayla, Terica, Wil, Roger, Tina etc. etc. etc...................
And YOU since you now know all my business !!!!!
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