My Soul Food
     This page contains passages,verses and songs that have helped and are helping me day by day. In many ways this is a reminder to me but I have decided to share it with you also. I pray that you too will find comfort and guidance from the words written herein. - Stacey

  Find yourself in Trouble - Try these Emergency Numbers!!!!   

  • Represents scripture references
  • Represents a song
Note : The verses are taken from the New International Version unless otherwise noted



This topic has been exhausted, this is a word that comes and goes - but what is the true meaning of love? how are we suppose to approach it? what role does it play in our lives? Someone once posed this question to me "are you certified to love?" - I'm still confused on that one.

God's love

Loving others Top


What is joy? - not the dishwashing liquid. But true joy - where does it come from? The Bible has alot to say about joy but first this definition has stuck with me since primary school and I have proven it to be true.

Jesus First

Others Second

Yourself Last



Peace, where can we find true peace, not the peace of this world but God's peace. It's so important that we be at peace with God, ourselves, and others.



Faith is an essential part of a Christian's life, as such the Bible speaks alot about it and contains many examples of how people exercised great faith in their lives. we too are called everyday to exercise faith.



So often we try to make our selves righteous but we fail for every time. There is a reason for this - we could never in ourselves be righteous.



Many things may happen in life that cause our heart to grieve we have that assurance things will be better, we just have to trust in God and He will send us comfort.



Showing gratitude is so important and not just gratitude to God for all that He has done for us but we should never hesitate to show appreciation to people for the things they do for us. And it would be good to do it while they are alive.



Many times we feel weak and that we can't go on, but that's when we need to call on Jesus. This just goes to show that we are weak within ourselves.


God's Word

It is ever so important that we continuously meditate on the words of God. The Bible is the main way through which God communicates with us.



Some point in our lives we have to exercise the spirit of forgiveness. It makes it so much easier when you consider how God forgives us.



What is the big deal about light? Either I have it or I don't, either I'm living in darkness or living in the light. Different references are made to light as it pertains to us and God.


Power of Prayer

Without a doubt there is incredible power in prayer and we are to be a praying people. This is our way of talking to God and through which we draw closer to Him. If you need prayers and know of someone who you would like to be be on the prayer list feel free to add them. If you yourself know the power of prayer I ask you to join in in praying for the people on this list.



How do I get smarter some may ask? More education, more knowledge why doesn't it work for everyone. How do I know I am doing the right thing. Simple



At times we may become puffed up with in ourselves, but we should always ask God to keep us humble.



I must have been the queen at worrying and these texts along with much more faith and prayers have helped me to stop this. It's not healthy spiritually or physically anyway.



Sometimes our hearts get heavy and we may fall into a state of depression. Sometimes our friends can't even help us to feel better. The book of Psalms is a great testimony of how to get out of such feelings by calling on the name of Jesus



In the Christian walk there will be many trials, but we have to be able to look beyond and trust in God to know that He will never forsake us and that it will all work out for our good.



Everyday faced with temptations, how do we deal with it. Christ set an excellent example for us and also provides us with the power to overcome any temptation.



Even though we might not go about doing anything to people, we try to live peaceful lives but there are still some people who are our enemies. The Bible provides some advice on how to deal with people like this.



Anger is something I have to deal with and the real problem is when it is not dealt with and stores up. Such anger and hatred in one's heart destroys not only our relationship with others but also with God.



Satan uses fear some many times to keep us from doing the Lord's work. I myself am constantly having to ask God for the strength to overcome my fears so that His name would be glorified



Many other texts have given me strength and reminded me of important issues during my christian walk.


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