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UCF Newsletter

From the Prytanis

Dear Fraters,

This is the year. Twenty-seven years ago TKE started the Greek system at University of Central Florida. It seems fitting that 27 years later we are still setting a precedent for other fraternities to follow.
The chapter is reeling from a successful fall rush that has made us a 35+ man fraternity, and in August, four delegates from XI traveled to Tampa, FL to attend conclave. We have also celebrated a milestone in our history, our silver anniversary. Our Nationals just recently celebrated our 100 year Annaversery.
Gentlemen, there is a tradition of excellence in this chapter that you made possible for us. We thank you for this. XI is more than a fraternity, it is a brotherhood. It is Fredick Carter, scroll number 1, and Steven Bret Hart, scroll number 574, having never met, understanding, respecting, and knowing each other. We are all a part of this. I urge you to remember that brotherhood and join us during the Alumni Softball & Bar-baque this Spring, and Homecoming this fall. Fraters, there is no better time to return to the us than now.
Again, thank you for the opportunities you have given us, and I hope to see you all at homecoming.

Yours in the Bond,

Wes Pinkerton

Homecoming 1999

We have a special year coming up and Homecoming is just the start. The main celebration will take place Saturday November 1st at 10:00 P.M. at the Benengins restaurant on I Drive.
The events start Friday October 31st. Their will be a check-in table at the House Friday so that we may be aware of which alumni are in town and arrange rides to the celebration Saturday night.
The schedule of events will be as follows:

Friday Oct. 31

9:00 P.M.
Drink's at Bowl & Busch Bar

Saturday Nov. 1

10:00 A.M.
All Fraters meet at Tinker Field

1:00 P.M.
Homecoming Parade (which can be viewed from Church street station)

2:00 P.M.
BBQ Per-party at Tinker Field

4:00 P.M.
University of Central Florida vs. ?

10:00 P.M.
Homecoming Celebration at Benigins on I-Drive

2:00 A.M.
Post Celebration Party at the House

From the Histor

Dear Fraters,

I hope that everything is going well for all of you. On behalf of the entire chapter I would like to thank all who came up for last year's Homecoming. We all had a great time as I hope all of you did also.
This is a big year for the Xi Iota chapter as we celebrate our 100th year anniversary with Nationals. The celebration may have already pasted. The banquet and RC Weekend will be coming up at the begining of this May. Frater Wes Pinkerton is leading the way with the planning with the help from undergraduate Frater Jeff Sampson. All of us here at XI are excited about the celebration.
The Alumni Association and the Board of Advisers are also presently working on a housing plan for the chapter.

Yours in the Bond,

Edward Benditt

RC Weekend

Dear Fraters,

By now you must know that Red Carnation Weekend is coming up at the end of this semester (April 30 - May 2).
The events that are planned include an Alumni Reception, Honorary Initiation Ceremony, Formal Dinner, and Dance. These events along with a few surprises are all scheduled to take place. Distinguished guests of TKE have already made plans to attend this celebration and you should too.
This milestone will propel Xi Iota to a whole new level on campus and will set a new benchmark for all other Greek organizations.
If you have any questions at any time please feel free to contact me at 407-382-3061.

Yours In the Bond,

Jeff Sampson
Undergraduate Chairman
of the RC Weekend Celebration

Attention Alumni

If you are in the Orlando area their will be an Alumni Softball game and Bar-baque on April the 11th at 12:00 p.m. at the UCF Intermerial Softball field. If you have any questions or would like to RSVP please call Edward Benditt at 407-207-0137, fax: 407-207-0137, or e-mail: We hope to see all of you out there.

Alumni News

Frater Noles is the new Manager of Value Pawn, in Altamont Springs. He has moved back to Orlando.

Fraters Bricks is becoming one Orlando's finest as members Orange County Police Force.



Wedding Bells

Frater Bricks and his lovly feonsay were wed. They are currently still living in the Orlando area.

Frater Noles and beautiful wife were wed. And has resently moved back to the Orlando area.

Frater Brian Ashton and his beautiful girlfriend have been wed.

TKE Website News

The TKE website, managed by Frater Edward Benditt scroll 072 from the St. Thomas University for the past few months has received quite a lot of use from undergraduate members and alumni alike. If you have not given the site a visit, please do so in the near future. The internet address is:

Also look for some new and exciting changes to be made in the near future.

Xi Iota Chapter at the University of Central florida.
Copyright ©1999 Xi Iota Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon, All Rights Reserved.




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