WELCOME TO MY FRIENDLY LISTENING POST"Listening is a magnetic and strange thing, a creative force.
My name is TEMAN JOHNSON, and I would like to welcome you to my FRIENDLY LISTENING POST where the BIG EMPHASIS is on LISTENING TO EACH OTHER, but where you will also find jokes, fun links, graphics links, free cards, and information about fly fishing, gardening, Yosemite National Park, Merced, California and my family and me. I hope you like the music I have chosen to listen to.
I am a retired Merced College Communications teacher, with listening one of my subjects, and my wife and I live in Merced, California, located in the heart of the fertile San Joaquin Valley. With a population of 65,000, Merced is the Gateway to Yosemite National Park, the home of Merced College, and the future home of the newest University of California campus, UC Merced.
I would love to have you sign my guest book located at the bottom of this page. When I first started surfing the web, I was hesitant to sign guest books because of all the terrible things I had read regarding privacy. But I always sign guest books now because I see some interesting web sites on guest pages and I can judge whether I want to visit them often by the comments people make. If you haven't signed a guest book before, try it now; this is a guest-friendly site. |
Here I am working hard at my Dell computer making the web site more interesting and more useful for everyone. *Grin*
Some of my interests are listening, this web site, novels by Louis L'Amour (also check out his book Education of a Wandering Man), Robert B. Parker (Spenser stories), and Lilian Jackson Braun (all her novel titles begin with The Cat Who....), Philip Yancy's Disappointment With God, my family, my faith in Christ, the power of prayer, our Toy Cocker Spaniel Coco, growing tomatoes in the garden, fly fishing, crossword puzzles (there's a book of them in every room of the house), going to Reno and Tahoe occasionally to see a show and have fun, country music as well as Gregorian Chants and gospel songs, and acknowledging others as truly unique.
This poem expresses an attitude I have. Thanks, MizBee for letting me borrow it.
Dr. Andrew Weil's Health Page
Excellent Starting Point For Web Search Smartmail: The Smart Business Way For Flat Size Mail San Francisco 49ers Official Home Page |
A "HERO" IS A PERSON Helping to Energize and Renew Others.
E-mail me with comments, suggestions, and questions.
© 1998 -- 2002 tjohnson@elite.net
This web site was last edited 03/05/02.
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I have edited some web pages for the International Listening Association relating to their Convention Paper Resource Center (CPRC), and you can look at them by clicking HERE.
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