You won't let this feeling get to you. After all, it is a cold
night! Who is to say that this creepy feeling is grounded.
There is no way to determine that. Besides, waking your
friends up over such a stupid thing would make you look foolish.
I won't let it bother me you say to yourself. You begin to drift
off. Just as soon as you are able to get to sleep, Mary pokes
you in the shoulder.
"Mary, what is it?" you ask her
"Richard, I'm scared. Nick is gone. I don't know what happened
to him, do you think he may be playing some sort of stupid trick
on us?" she answers
"Mary, I am not sure, I wouldn't worry about it, he may just
be down at the lodge or going for a swim in the hot spring.
After all, it is a cold night and that hot spring feels good
on a night like this." you say
"I thought about that, Richard, but I have this feeling, a creepy
feeling, that something is wrong." she quivers
Oh great! Now Mary is getting a creepy feeling. You
start to notice that creepy feeling of your own returning to you.
You never know though, it could be just a coincidence that
both you and Mary are getting creepy feelings, but then
again, it may not, it really could be founded.
"Mary, I think you are right, something here just doesn't seem
right." you tell her.
By this time, Jim wakes up listening to you and Mary talk.
"What are you guys yapping about???" Jim asks.
You tell him about Nick and how both you and Mary have a bad
feeling about it. Jim takes this situation and uses it to
his advantage.
"All right! Something to do, let's go look for him, maybe we
will run into some ghosts or something!"
"No way! It is scary out there!" Mary says
"But Mary!" you say "You are concerned about Nick, otherwise
you wouldn't have woke me up about it! Let's go!"
"No way! I am staying right here!" she says firmly, "You
can go with Jim if you want."
She looks at you and though her words said it was OK to go with
Jim, her eyes plead with you to stay.
If you decide to go with Jim to look for Nick
Click here
If you let Jim go alone and stay to comfort Mary
Click here