You won't let Jim get to you. Let him go have his fun by himself.
Why should you be so foolish enough to follow in his footsteps.
"Go ahead, Jim, have fun." you say to him
You can tell Jim isn't as confident as before. He expects
you to go with him and telling him no is a surprise.
"And I will" he says, and leaves.
"It sounded close, I wonder what it was." Nick inquires.
"I don't know" you respond
That scary feeling is starting to come back, something bad
is about to happen soon. And sure enough, something does.
You happen to glance at the cieling and see a shape that doesn't
belong there.
"Oh my god, what is that!" you shout with fear.
As soon as you say it, the feature lets its presence known. It
is a vampire. He has long teeth and big eyes. He plunges for
you. You have your pocket knife. Since vampires can be killed
in the same ways humans can, you try to stick him with it as he
pluges for you. You succeed in stabbing him, which avoids
an attack on you, but you didn't kill him. He flies back to
the ceiling with wound in his hip.
"I'll be back and you'll be sorry" he says and laughs insanely
and is gone.
Not 2 seconds after he leaves, you hear a scream.
The vampire attacks Jim. You rush outside to try and help Jim,
by you could tell by his moaning and groaning that he was
becoming a vampire as well. You rush back inside.
"I have a plan" you say and you think to yourself, this better
You know a lot about vampires, after all, you have seen one before
when you were a kid, but they were supposed to be extinct!
Still, you know how to trick one. Vampires can't see you
if you look at them through a mirror. (A similar concept
is being able to see Medusa's reflection even though you can't
see her, the relationship between the two is merely showing that
mirrors have some sort of mystic significance. In this
case, viewing a vampire through a mirror, rather than directly,
blinds him. Vampires are also most vulnerable when they
are about ready to sink thier long teeth into a victim's neck.
These two facts about vampire vulnerablity gives you your great
idea.) You begin to explain your idea quickly to Mary and
"One of us must pretend to be asleep. The other two must take
a mirror and keep the vampire's reflection inside the mirror.
That way, they will not be visible. Then when the vampire
is close enough to the person pretending to sleep, one of
the people behind the mirror can kill him. If we succeed, then
Jim will be back to normal." you say in almost one breath.
"Cool plan, Richard, but who here is brave enough to pretend
to be asleep." Nick inquires.
If you decide to volunteer to be the pretend victim
Click here
If you insist on hiding behind a mirror
Click here