Gee, poor Mary! You couldn't bear to leave her in here alone, Jim should be
able to find Nick all by himself.
"Jim, why don't you go look for him. I will stay here with Mary"
"Really???" Mary said in amazement.
"Sure, I think Jim should be able to find Nick by himself, he is probably just
down at the hot springs. It is a cold night" you say
"I think you said that already, Richard." Mary reflects
"I think you are right" you answer back.
With that, Jim leaves to look for Nick. You and Mary sit on the couch
and try think of something to do to occupy your time. All Mary could
do is fidget, and you find that is all you can do too. Something is
not right, you know it isn't, she knows it too. Soon, Nick walks
in the door.
"Where have you been!" Mary asks angrily, "I was worried sick
about you!"
"Did you know that we have Jim out there looking for you!!" you add
"Gee, I am sorry, I couldn't sleep and I decided to go for a walk." he
You can't believe it. All that was for nothing. You don't know
if you want to laugh or cry.
"Someone is gonna have to go out there and tell Jim to come back
here. I think you should have to do that, Nick." Mary says.
"Why would we want Jim to come back?" Nick says.
That raises a question in your head. Nick is not making any
sense. What is he talking about. You watch as he walks to
the front door and locks it!
"You aren't going ANYWHERE!" he says.
As he says it, he grabs his stomach and doubles over
as if he was ready to vomit. You go up to him to see what
is wrong. You touch him on his shoulder as an attempt
to comfort.
"Nick, what's wro......."
You don't even get a chance to finish the word, "wrong" becuase
Nick looks up at you and what you see makes you freeze and
Mary scream. Nick has changed drastically. He has long teeth
and huge eyes. You know right away that he is a vampire! Upon
seeing this terrible transformation in Nick, you jump backward
in reaction with fear. Just then you hear the window crash
in the kitchen. Another vampire! They were supposed
to be extinct years ago! You realize that Nick and this other
vampire have you and Mary trapped in a corner. He laughs
"Nick, take your pick, who do you want first. Richard or Mary?"
he says to him
Mary screams some more. The situation doesn't look good, it
seems that you are trapped. But wait! You remember that
there is a trap door beneth your feet. If you could somehow
get it open and manage to get inside, you and Mary would
be safe until daylight when they must retreat.
If you go for the trap door
Click here
If you decide it is too risky and just hope for the best
Click here