Tanya loves pictures. She loves to put pictures of as many of her
friends as she can on her homepage. She even has a picture of Kissifur!
When Kissifurette found out, she was furious at Tanya. Kissifurette even
accused Tanya of dwelling on Kissifur's picture night and day! Now that made
Tanya mad! How rude! How could Kissifurette make such an accusation?
Did it make Tanya mad enough to murder? Sissi loves to participate in
contests. She is even won a contest hosted by the Dover's Refridgerator
, called
Pa Dover's Scavenger Hunt. But who did she beat in this
contest? She beat Kissifur! Kissifurette was so upset becuase Kissifur
put in so much time to try and win that it broke her heart to see Kissifur
loose. This fact made Kissifurette think that Sissi cheated. When
Kissifurette accused Sissi of cheating, she retailiated. After all, Sissi
put in just as much or probably even more hours into the hunt as Kissifur.
How could Kissifurette be so brutal. That was a direct insult! Could
such an insult drive Sissi to murder?
Start at Deepwater Bay Bed & Breakfast
. Find a page whose initials are WWT. Next, find someone by the name
of James Bowers. When you get to his page, go to his hunting links. There
you should find the page that holds your next clue!