Homepage News

Visit this page often to read any news or updates to my page. My page is always changing and this helps keep things in track.

1. As many of you may have guessed, I have not kept up with my page in a while. I am too busy to do this anymore. However, I did put alot of time into this page in the past and I think that you would quite enjoy your visit. Just becuase it is old and hasn't been updated in a while, doesn't mean that my stuff from before isn't any good!

2. My award has also come to a hault, I have recieved many e-mails requesting my award and I would gladly give it to those who ask for it, but I don't have time for it anymore. I am deeply sorry for those that applied in the last few months and didn't recieve an answer.

Last updated on February 10, 1998

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