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1. A note to clear up any confusion about numbers. Some clues may say "remember the person from clue #" This means blue clue # leads to this person. I will give you an example. There is a clue that is similar to the first clue here on my page. The clue will ask you to refer back to this clue for the method of search. But the person is not me! The person the clue is talking about is who the clue leads you to. So let's say clue 13 asks you to remember the person from clue 1. The clue reference is to clue 1, but the person refrence is the person holding clue 2.

2. I noticed that some people have been having troubles with certain clues. Pay attention to the gold statement on the contest page. Please remember that some of these clues are deceptive. Try various spellings of words when you get stuck.

3. Some of the homepages hosting clues haven't colorized thier clues. If this is the case, note that the "mystery clue" is the red clue and the clue to next homepage is the blue clue.

4. Any form of searching is game in this mystery. Whether it be links or internet searches(of any type). Any and every method of searching is possible. This includes taking key words from clues and combining them in searches as well. I will be a little nice and say that you can find most of those pages through infoseek, but some you can't. Or at least, I couldn't.

5. HINT: A key word in clue #8 is ramp. What type of ramp is what you must figure out.

6. HINT: I couldn't find the site from clue #9 with infoseek, I used Webcrawler. However this hint may or may not help you, after all, you may be able to find it with infoseek. *smile*

7. NOTE: Clues #5 and #11 have changed. For some reason they can't be found as written. When the clues were written they could have been found but not now. In both cases,it is no longer page 2, but page 1. In case they change again, check back here for updates.

8. CLUE HELP: Clue #4 is very difficult. It is probably one of the most difficult clues. So I have recieved some inspirations to help you out. As a matter of fact, I hope I just did.

9. CLUE HELP: Clue #12 has a mistake in it! It isn't TheTropics as in the similar clue, it is CapitolHill.

10. HINT: Use a url *special* search to help you with clue #18. If you aren't sure what a *special* search is, then try to figure it out from infoseek.

11. CLUE HELP: The person holding clue #3 has cancelled her homepage. Click here to see clue #3.

Due to the fact that I don't see a second or third place any time soon, on April 28, 1997 (by 2:00 pm EST, 11:00 am PST) e-mail every clue you found. The two with the most clues will recieve the rest of the clues automatically. They will then try to solve the case if they can. Even then, if nobody else can solve the case by April 30, 1997, then they will be recongnized, but won't recieve any prizes.

Last updated on April, 24 1997

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