Congradulations to all those who have won

I have not viewed all these pages thouroghly, if any of them have pornography or links to pornography, let me know and I will remove them from the winner list.

Bob^-^'s homepage is so cool it makes u drool!

Jim Herzman's CyberWorlds

enin's Home Page

Reklez's Page

Mikesters Attempt at a Home Page

The Page

Welcome to my World

cAsA dE La WBBass

Bull's Page of Life in General

Anthony's most annoying of the web

Vincent's World

Hippie Neil's Freaky Trip

The Eagle Informer

Rei and Maren's site

Geoff's Elite "DUCES" Page

Orlando page

Read On, There's More!

Tim's Home Page

Fat Albert's Little Page of Nothing

Raven's World

SECYW's Main Home Page

phin13's Home Page

Uncle Biznatch in Your Eye

The Asylum Front Door

Maggie's World

Crazy Texan

Chief Grumpy Pant's Village


Wil Wil 05's Home Page

Yagamatt's page...Come in!

Willkommen auf meiner Home Page

Melissa's SuperNova


saraskiier's Home Page

Cornflake Girls' Bowl

Gabe's World of Cheese Crackers

The Door Entry

J-fer's Home Page

FizZ's homepage-over 1 billion bored

Kelly's Place

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