fh_birding image Sea of Okhotsk Website: Falk Hüttmann
(Ph.D., Diplom-Forstwirt univ.)
PostdocFellow, Simon Fraser University
photo 8

Falk Hüttmann
Centre for Wildlife Ecology, Biology Dept.
8888 University Drive, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby B.C., Canada V5A 1S6
Tel: 604 291 5618 Fax: 604 291 3496 Email: huettman@sfu.ca


I see the purpose of this site to show some issues related to the Sea of Okhotsk (SOFO), Russian Far East, and a project I was able to carry out in this part of the world (Sakhalin, Kamchatka and Magadan regions) during August and September 1999, and May, August 2000. Here you see more information about the following topics:

Over 30 pictures showing the study area, habitats and issues based on the Pilot Study 1999.

Over 40 pictures showing the study area, habitats and issues based on the Study Spring 2000 on Sakhalin Island.

Over 40 pictures showing the study area, habitats and issues based on the Study Fall 2000 in Kamchatka and Magadan.

A list of papers relevant to wader migration in the Sea of Okhotsk, particularly fall migration.

A list of forthcoming papers about our work on the SOFO subject.

A summary of results from the Pilot Study 1999.

A summary of results from the Study 2000, Spring and Fall.

Listservers relevant to the SOFO subjcet:

- Ornithology: ornith-l@uafsyb.uark.edu
- Seabirds: seabird@uct.ac.za
- Birdbanding: birdband@listserv.arizona.edu
- Waders: waders-l@uct.ac.za
- Migratory Species: migration@listserv.uni-bonn.de
- CAFF/Pan-Arctic Shorebird Research Network: (listowner: elin.pierce@npolar.no)

A selection of URLs related to SOFO:

- Wetlands International - Oceania - (Project collaborator and Funding Agency for Pilot Study 1999).
- Environment Australia (Project collaborator).
- Australasian Waders Study Group.
- The Arctic Bird Library (C. Zoeckler).
- International Breeding Conditions Survey on Arctic Birds (M. Soloviev, P. Tomkovich).
- INTAS (A potential EU project and funding agency).
- Conservation Program by BirdLife, BP AMOCO and Flora and Fauna International.
- Ralph Brown Expedition Award (A potential funding agency).
- Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), (A potential German project and funding agency).
- Deutsche Forschungs Gemeinschaft (DFG), (A potential German project and funding agency)
- Bonn Convention on Migratory Species (CMS).
- Global Register of Migratory Species (GROMS).
- East Asian-Australasian Shorebird Reserve Network.
- The Beringian Seabird Colony Catalog Web Site (USFWS).
- Russian Far East Advisory Group.
- Vladivostok News.
- Website from Dr. Kasten (German Anthropologist working in Russian Far East).
- AATA International (Environmental Consultant Firm from U.S. working in Russian Far East).
- Metsaehallitus (An Environmental Consultant Firm from Finland working in Russian Far East).

Server: GeoCities
Photo: Falk Huettmann and Kathrin Straeter
General: Jürgen Kraus , Tony Diamond, Fred Cooke, Julia Linke

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© 2001 Falk Hüttmann
Last updated: February 28th 2001 by Falk Hüttmann
URL: http://www.oocities.org/CollegePark/Quad/5377/sofo1.html