- a supplier of language input.
- a language activator.
- a supplier of cultural references.
- a consolidation tool.
- a workshop tool.
- a motivation device.
- an excellent tool for correction.
- an awareness raising tool.
- etc...

You can always turn the volume down. If you can't have the image off, use a piece of cardboard or paper, tell sts. to close their eyes, have them sit with their back to the TV set etc...

01. View without sound (sts. watch sequence and create possible dialogue, remarks etc...).

02. View without sound (sts. are asked comprehension questions and talk about what's going on).

03. Sound without picture (sts. talk about what they think the image is about).

04. Pause for vocabulary exploitation (T. asks questions or inputs vocab.).

05. Pause for prediction (T. asks prediction questions e.g.: What do you think she's going to say/do next?).

06. Pause to check understanding (What did she say?).

07. Pause for worksheet entry (names, addresses and so on; You can use a cloze test type exercise).

08. Pause for note taking (especially for advanced sts.).

09. Pause for different end (either scene or dialogue, perhaps even as a written task).

10. Students listen to sound and give full descriptions of people in the dialogues (You can either try to elicit WH questions or ask them yourself, make use of students' imagination. Another idea is to have secretaries take notes about "descriptions" and then compare them to actual image, it's great fun!).

11. Same as 10, but using background noises to elicit "environment and settings".

12. Integrated with other materials, as a consolidation exercise sts. listen for familiar expressions (especially good for beginners).

13. Same as 12, but sts. listen for unfamiliar expressions (especially good for advanced students).

14. After sequence is exploited choose a short dialogue to be practiced in pairs.

15. Role-play (choose a scene with many characters or with possibilities of characters. e.g.: parties, markets etc..) Emphasize creativity.

16. Change of sexes (E.g.: a woman taxi-driver with a male passenger who doesn't have money).

17. Show the sequence quickly (sts. get the gist).

18. Students prepare anticipation questions (follow up of 17).

19. Turn image off, students take down notes, act it out and compare it to video sequence (time consuming).

20. Divide the class into two groups, one watches the image, the other listens to the soundtrack (new pairs are formed to reconstruct sequence).

21. If there is a difficult part which is vital, prepare jumbled sentences, on slips of paper, transparency, floor charts etc. and have students sort them out.

22. Fill in the blanks. If it's too difficult, give sts. a list of words in random order (cloze test).

23. Fill in the blanks of sentences using image as cues / hints (sts. can only complete sentences if they watch the image).

24. Show the sequence a sufficient number of times, play image and have sts. produce soundtrack.

25. 24 plus chorus, individual repetition.

26. Students are given lots of pictures which they have to relate (using their imagination) to the sequence (e.g.: pigeon flying, related to peace at dinner time).

27. Students make up a totally different dialogue/story (e.g.: use the fight between brothers with a completely different reason).


01. Guess who the character is (20 questions).

02. Memory game (ask about colors, clothes, etc).

03. Guessing game with objects from scene (I spy...).

04. True or false (two teams).

05. Find the right bubble (two teams and many slips of paper with lines from dialogue, sts. have to choose correct bubble, sts. may watch only silent track).

06. Miming (sentences, character, pre-established).

07. WH questions (draw a tic-tac-toe board and place WH questions in it, before putting a cross or a circle sts. have to provide a correct question based on the sequence).


To my other language pages: ENGLISH ESPAŅOL ITALIANO