This quarterly journal has been launched with the mission to carry the
research work of SMCians worldwide and to provide them with a common academic
base. The Internet is an ideal medium to converge all SMCians for the
advancement of medical research. A simple click will connect all of us from
around the globe with one another.
We are announcing the Patrons, Editors
and Faculty Advisors selected to date. To keep
yourself updated from latest developments of SMC Watch!, check out News Items
section opening in next update. This journal is currently UNDER CONSTRUCTION
Prof. Dr. M. Zia Iqbal, MBBS, M.Phil, FCPS – Chairman, Medical
Education Cell, SMC
Dr. Arif Khalil Mirza, MBBS --Web Editor & System Administrator
News Items
Any event of your specialty in your institute that might have a wider
interest can be brought to the attention of our news desk. Be it conferences,
seminars, scientific meetings or start of a new research project. Your
personal outstanding achievements can also be filed. But keep in mind it
should be "news". [Acceptable length: 400-600 words]
Case Reports
Send clinically interesting single cases. Only five references are allowed,
and at most three authors (one of whom must have been the clinical incharge
of the patient).
Original Articles
Both basic and clinical articles are accepted. They can be sent to us for
review and subsequent publication purposes. However, as per policy, we will
NOT take the copyright of your paper. So, papers published on SMC Watch! can
be sent to any other journal, should the author wishes to do so.
Review Articles
Any change in clinical practice or thinking about a disease, procedures,
treatment, management of a disease and hypothesis will be selected for this
medical students, alumni and faculty of SMC form SMCircuit. This section will
carry interviews of big achievers and will focus on every facet of their
Becoming a Healer
medical students as well as doctors can share their experiences and views.
Writings can be serious, humorous, angry etc. Pen your feelings being an
undergraduate, resident, fellow, researcher etc. -- what it takes, how it
feels, hurdles en-route.
Editors view point on any issue of medicine.
Letters to Editor
Your valuable comments, criticism, ideas and rectifications are presented in
this section. [may be edited for clarity or space]
your comments & suggestions