Please fill out my Survey

Please tell me your name: (Do not hit return)

What section do you like best?: (Do not hit return)

1) How old are you?
Under 18 years old
Between 19 and 24 years old
Between 25 and 34 years old
Between 35 and 44 years old
More than 45 years old

2) How often do you visit my page?
Every Day
Once per week
Once per month
Once per year

3)What picture do you like the best?
All of them
Some of them
The ones of me
What pictures?
Puppy power

4)Do you prefer frames or non-frames?
I don't care

5)Do you know what rugby is?
Yep, I sure do
Why you asking?
Ain't got a clue
Is that with sticks?
What's her name again?

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