Eyewitness Account of the Crash Site

The memories of the fatal crash by Terry Hinshaw

In August 1969, I was a boy of fourteen. A plane crashed on my Aunt and Uncle's (Henry and Marjorie Eilander's) property South of Newton, Iowa. As soon as we were aware of it my family all went out to look around. The investigators were there and were not letting the public in, but my Grandmother was there (since my Aunt and Uncle were out of town)and told them we were family, so we were let in. We all went down in the timber and looked around at the plane. I didn't know who Rocky Marciano was until then.

I don't remember a whole lot about that day except the plane sitting there, and that wing in the tree. I don't think they had taken off from Newton airport, but were intending to land there, because of the fog and rain and they were approaching from Southwest of the airport, and missed it by about two miles. They were right in line with it but too low and clipped that tree, tearing off a wing. Everyone thought they would have made the airport if they had missed that tree.
I picked up as a souvenir the thing that the pilot holds onto when flying the plane; it has handles and if it were on a car it would be the steering wheel. I can't prove that it was in that plane, but it definetely was. There are no numbers on it, it does say Skyhawk on it. I have a little gauge too but I've lost track of that over the years. It's probably in my mom's house.

On your web page about Rocky, I saw the picture of the plane sitting in that creek, just the way I remember it. There was a wing hanging in a tree probably about 200 feet away from that part of the plane.
My Grandma has long since passed away, as has my Uncle. Marjorie(my Aunt and my Mom's Sister), has re-married. They sold the property a couple years later, and I think it has changed hands a couple more times since then. It was a twenty-acre timber, with rolling hills and lots of trees.
If you are ever driving through Iowa on Interstate 80 near Newton, you will pass right by the airport, it's a small one sitting just on the South side of the Interstate.
Bob, you can certainly use anything I told you on your page.

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