The Page O' Spears
Celebrating 11 years online
Lori and I are doing well. It's now 2008 and so far it's been really snowy. I am now working at a company in Germantown as a Customer Service Represntative. Lori is working in Plymouth at Piggly Wiggly in the Deli. Lori and I like living in West Bend much better than we did in Appleton. We recently discovered the Milwaukee River walk here, and we have already walked part of it. Milwaukee isn't that far away, and we plan on doing things down there too.
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My Story
I was generally a little overweight growing up, however, i didn't gain a lot of weight until about 2003, I moved into my own apartment, and now i had to cook, and grocery shop for myself. I didn't like to cook, so i bought easy microwavable things, and pizzas. I did cook but not very often. I also bought lots of snack items , such as candy cookies, chips, Little Debbies, and Cheese (A Wisconsin favorite). I also chose to eat out a lot. I unfourtunatly gained at least 100lbs. Currently with the help of my parents and my wife, I am on the weight watchers diet. I started August 1, 2005, and as of Now, I have already lost 185 LBS.
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Last edited: 3/2/08 The 11th year online
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