During this time at AWA, Zenk worked on many of the same cards and Pro Wrestling USA TV shows as Ric Martel. Martel was settling into a sustained period as AWA Heavyweight Champion and a friendship developed that was later to take Martel and Zenk to Canada (IWA), then to Japan and finally the WWF as the Can-Am Connection. Physical comparison was inevitable. 
    "The one point most of the AWA fans have noted is Zenk's physical similarities to current World champion Rick Martel. "The first time someone said that to me I thought to myself, I don't look like Rick Martel, not at all. But ...we do both have the same haircut, we both keep ourselves in good shape, and we both smile a lot. I guess we both have a lot to smile about. I'll tell ya, if I had the World champion belt around my waist, I'd be smiling in my sleep." 
AWA Heavyweight Champ Ric Martel and 
Dino Bravo with Ken Resnick
Larry Zbyszko and 'Crippler 'Ray Stevens piledrive Zenk to the concrete
After the attack, Wally Karbo joins interviewer Ken 
Resnick, Hennig (left)  and Greg Gagne (center right)
"...a light concussion and two compressed vertebrae.."
Greg Gagne - "If they want to step in the ring with Curt and myself, we'll take them on ...right now!!"
For Zenk, it  was time to leave 'Gagne town'  if he was going to progress beyond preliminaries.  During a meeting with 'Black'Jack Lanza  (left) and Greg Gagne. Greg reassured Zenk that there would always be work for him at AWA.  At the same time, he noticed Lanza 'giving the finger' to Gagne from behind his briefcase. Zenk took the hint.  On Curt Hennig's recommendation he went to work for Don Owen in Pacific North West. He quickly found himself with nightly bookings and a mega-push from Owen.
    When Hennig next appeared on Pro-Wrestling USA,  Zenk was already on his way to becoming PNW heavyweight champion.  Hennig's new tag partner was the incoming Scott Hall (right). Meanwhile Gagne was trying yet another angle.