'Salesman for the sport...'

Tom Zenk joins Harley Race and  the crew of Saturday Night Slam live from Truro, Iowa.

It's Saturday 10 p.m. September 16th, 2000 and we join Saturday Night Slam broadcasting live from the I-35 High School Truro, Iowa,  for post match comments, concluding a big show from Harley Race's World League Wrestling (results at bottom of this page). Your hosts are Scot Casber and Scot McLin, technical facilities courtesy of Jason Mitchell and Kevin Cunningham

The Saturday Night Slam crew with post show commentary

Scot McLin - Hi Tom - did you have a good time?

Z - I had a REAL good time This is the way I remember wrestling about 10 years ago.

Scot McLin - Absolutely, it's fantastic what Harley is doing here!

Z - It really was, it's real positive and it's the kind of wrestling I remember when I was a kid. There's a difference between having talent, being a great wrestler and giving one hundred percent. These guys have been giving it one hundred percent .....

Scot McLin - Did you have any desire whatsoever to get back up in the ring tonight and do some wrestling for the fans there?

Z - There were a couple of times. Then I looked at my gray hairs and I said "Whoa! I don't belong in the ring.  It's a young man's business and it's someone else's turn".

Scot McLin - Well, they did an absolutely fantastic job of entertaining the fans here tonight in Truro, Iowa and this fundraiser for the Interstate 35 school........

Commercial break - back in a minute

From a fan .......

Saturday, September 16, 2000 I was at a Harley Race's WLW show and had the honor of meeting Tom (Z-Man) Zenk.  The radio station Saturday Night Slam had told the fans he would be there for a broadcast of their show live.  The WLW show was spectacular, it was good old WRESTLING.  The Z-Man was there as a special guest to sign autographs and to watch the show. Jokingly they said he would fight Harley.  I met him and got his autograph. Then later on got my picture taken with him in the ring with Harley Race.  It was a great time!
The Wrestling Source

Scot Casber - Warcloud has taken Tom Zenk's mike away and I've gotta tell you, that's a dangerous thing to do. Tom Zenk is one of the huge names in the world of pro-wrestling - I see he's gone out to the car - whether or not that's for a foreign object I don't know. I'd be worried if I were you.......

Z returns

Scot McLin - I want to have a duel here - Your impression of Harley versus Scot (Casber's) to see which one is better.

Scot Casber - No, I don't do one of Harley. I do one of Tom doing Harley. When he does his impression of Harley it busts me up because it's so perfect.

Z - "King Harley Race, 8 times World Champion......"

Scot Casber - "And then he talks about the Kid ..."

Z - "Dynamite Kid.  Tommy,  I told Dynamite "You and I are freaks of nature...." (laughter)

Scot Casber - Coming from Harley, how could you disagree with that. It's not just Harley's talent and ring talent  as you said earlier - and I heard you say this, Tom -  a lot of people can wrestle - there's a lot of great talent out there and they can wrestle  - but can it translate into teaching wrestling?

Z - No. There's a big difference. He's a great performer and a great wrestler. That's a totally different thing. And he can teach it. That's obvious from what we've seen tonight. I wasn't on the show, but I heard you say that this was the best you've seen so far. It wasn't a huge crowd here but the people who were here were really into it!....

Scot McLin - There wasn't anybody in this arena that left tonight that didn't feel like they got their money's worth.

Z - You can tell, just by the buzz of the crowd. I've been to a lot of shows and I've seen a lot of crowds and the people here tonight were really into it.

Scot Casber - You've even worked in Portland for gawd's sake.....

Z - Yeah, the Sport's Arena, an old bowling alley .. bingo halls, flea markets, bars  - I've wrestled them all - I've had an illustrious career here (laughter)

Scot McLin - Now I noticed when you came in you had an opportunity to sit down and talk to Harley. That brought back a lot of memories for you, I'm sure?

Z - A lot of memories!! My days in the WWF. I met him back in 1986. I traveled with him in the WWF and at Wrestlemania. We did a tour of Montreal and Quebec, the Province of Quebec in Canada, and we got to be good friends there. And it just continued on. I did a tour of Japan with him for three weeks -  riding on the bus in Japan - so there's a bonding process that goes on - and we just picked up where old times left off. A lot of fun......

Scot McLin - Did it sort of take you right back to that time, tonight.

Z - Oh sure. Driving down here I was thinking things that I haven't thought about in, I don't know, 10 years...

Scot Casber - Like the speed limit .......?

Z - Ooh! I made the mistake of telling him that.  Driving on the way down here was the first time I've ever driven to a wrestling venue within the speed limit. I was a notorious speeder in my Corvette and when I was in WCW I always broke the rules. But this time I drove 65 the whole way.

Scot Casber - Joining us also mike-side now is the notorious Matt Murphy. He's dropped the "Missile" in Mike "The Missile" Murphy. Since we're talking wrestling, what better way to do it than having two wrestlers - one of the best wrestlers of the past and one of the best of the future sitting on my left. Tom Zenk, of course, is one of the historically great wrestlers and one who quit way before his time.

Scot McLin - You know Matt,  I just can't believe that you would have thrown away the friendship you had with Trevor Rhodes - to my mind it's just unbelievable.

(Rhodes and Matt Murphy had been best friends and tag partners, until during a match against WCW's Harris Twins, Rhodes allowed Matt to be beaten up without intervening.  Matt also claims he helped Rhodes win the WLW title while Rhodes was being doubled teamed by WCW imports Disco Inferno and Meng. As far as Matt is concerned, Trevor is a 'glory hound' who has reneged on their former friendship. Matt has now 'turned' and is on a rule-breaking spree).

Matt Murphy - You know when I came into the sport to become a champion, not to make friends. Having friends is great and I've got plenty of them back home - but Trevor Rhodes is nothing ... If I had not a friend in the world but the world title around my waist, I'd be a contented man...

Scot Casber - I'd like an opinion here, of a man who's seen it all....been in the greatest tag partnerships in the world, the Can-Am Connection, "The Z-Man and Flyin Brian"...Tom what do you think of the change in attitude in Matt "The Missile" Murphy.

Z - Matt "The Missile" Murphy - I was going to say some nice things to you, but I can't believe how edgy you are, my gawd. Where do you get off on this, I mean this attitude. You've turned on your partner, you're picking on the announcers here.....  what's going on here... where are you coming from?

Scot McLin - They get a bit of success, it goes to their head, they get cocky.....

Z - I had a couple of partners like that - they really got over their skis. Someone had to take the edge off them.....

Scot Casber - You'd better sit down and talk to this guy  - give him some advice ..

Z - What, the cat got your tongue? Hit me with your best working punch! Paw, paw .....c'mon, c'mon.

Matt - When I grew up I really respected guys like you and Brian Pillman, Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat, Rick Martel ... but then I watched the great world champions, Ric Flair, Harley Race - and - you know what - they didn't give a damn about the rules ....

Z - Yeah you're right, and look at Flair now, he's a shell of a man, he's 53 years old. Where's his money - how come he doesn't retire, uh? C'mon ....

Scot Casber - he's laying down the gauntlet, here, calling you out ......

Z - It's guys like you that are making me think about a comeback. Someone's got to take the edge offa guys like you .... Y'know, you're making me mad .....

Matt - Y'know Tom if you'd be willing to step back in the ring, I'd be more than happy to be on the opposing side because nothing would make me happier than to beat up one of those damned pandering babyfaces, one of the former champions of the 80s and early 90s. If Tom Zenk wants to make a comeback, I'd be more than happy to spoil it for him and his many loyal fans.

Z - Well, it's a little late for you, but I've got someone right here who wants to talk to you......

Scot Casber - Oh man, Trevor Rhodes has come right back out here  .......

Trevor Rhodes - Matt "The Missile" Murphy. Good Lord, I didn't think I'd see that sour puss face again tonight.....

Z - OK Matt - now someone here is calling you out - and I still have my referee's license from WCW "Dustah' Rhodes made me a refa-ree and ah sthill have ma WCW lythence" (laughter)

Trevor - Murphy, you couldn't beat me tonight and you're not going to beat me next weekend. This would never have happened if you hadn't done what you did last weekend. There was no reason for you to interfere in my match. You have a problem with me, that's fine.  We'll continue to do this - and I'll continue to beat you, and beat you down, until you just can't take no more ...

Matt - You didn't beat me down tonight - you didn't beat anyone here tonight. You were a beaten man tonight. I ran out of time. Next week in Joplin, I don't care if they have to throw the time limit out - I'm going to win that match and I'm going to get my hand raised next week.

Trevor - Well there's no need for us to discuss this anymore. Next week will be just fine in Joplin.

Z - Well, looks like we've got a match made here....

Scot Casber - Yes,  that sounds like a done deal to me, Matt Murphy vs Trevor Rhodes in Joplin, Missouri. And if you want more details, fans, go to www.harleyrace.com......

Now Tom, you must have seen this sort of jealousy between tag partners before. Did you ever tag with Dusty?

Z - No not Dusty, but with Dustin in Japan - and I've wrestled against him ..

Scot Casber - And now you've seen his younger brother in action, Trevor Rhodes...

Z - Yeah, it's the same old story, professional jealousy, I guess ....

Scot McLin - Yeah, but do you think Matt has any ground to stand on?

Z - We'll, he's got some big feet ......(laughter)

Scot McLin - Don't you think that it's the setting for some of the greatest feuds, when you've got a situation like this?

Z - Yeah, bring it on. I was trying to get something in the back - a hammer or something to let them go at it - give it to one of them and whack them.......

Scot McLin - a little bit ECW style ...

Scot Casber - a jack hammer ... 'The Genetic Jackhammer' - isn't that Vince and his son?

Z - The son of the jack hammer, hiding under a shirt  ...

Scot Casber - He's got four shirts on now and the one underneath has got muscle shapes through it.  But let me say this now - you've got guys that are coming into Iowa wrestling  on independent cards. That's what this truly is - an independent card  - and they've given their all out here. Now Tom you've wrestled all over the world, you've wrestled for independents, you've wrestled for both of the majors - What you saw here tonight - is it a prime example of what wrestling used to be?

Z - Yes it is. But the main thing, I think, is that Harley Race is behind it and they're trying to make Harley proud, and the audience too. They gave it their all. There's a big difference between having the talent and giving it up night after night, after night. Some guys are lazy performers - I've been accused of that - yeah, a lot - by some people y'know behind my back (laughter). Anyway, what we saw here tonight was a good example of guys who were hungry and prepared to put it all on the line.

Scot Casber - Well, that's a nice wrap up for the show..... It's been a real pleasure to have one of the greatest wrestlers of all time, one of the best salesmen for the sport, with us tonight. I had the pleasure of having him ride in my car and I'm never going to wash that seat again (laughter).

Z - O.K. Pinnochio .....

Scot Casper - I'm not a mark, I'm not a mark  for this guy - I just like his attitude, I like his honesty. Tom Zenk it's been a breath of fresh air for us - too many times you hear guys come on and they're afraid to piss off their old tag team partners - or they're afraid to ....

Scot McLin - tick off their old companies - "Vince McMahon might get mad at me.."

Scot Casber - but not this man, who just says "who the hell cares ..."

Scot McLin - Well, we do appreciate you making the long trip down here .... and just a mention of the web site....

Z - sure, and if any questions you want answered, I'll answer any questions, lay it on, just email the web site and they know how to get a hold of me.

Scot Casper - There are no wrestlers in the industry that are as open to their fans ....

Z - Wait till you see the book. I'm thinking about writing a book ...

Scot Casber  - That would be fantastic ...

Scot McLin - We want the first copies autographed.

Scot Casber  - We'll break it on our show.....

Scot McLin - Keep us updated on that .....

Scot Casber - Finally thanks to the good folks in Truro who did turn out tonight and the staff at I-35 High School for being such good hosts to us this evening.

Match results
Sept 16th, 2000 at the I-35 High School, Truro, Iowa,

Bob Town Brawler vs Mean Matt

The Brawler, making his first WLW appearance since April, held off Mean Matt when he caught Matt in the Bob Town Breaker. Great classic opener.

The Drill Instructor vs Big Daddy Moore

The DI definitely had his hands full with this former collegiate all American. Big Daddy ("The King of Chocolate" a newcomer to WLW, a Missouri wrestler and a force to be reckoned with) missed his Top Rope Head Butt allowing the DI to apply the Dis-Honorable Discharge for the win.

Trevor Rhodes vs Matt Murphy (one fall, 15 minute time limit)

A grudge match between former tag partners and best friends - with Rhodes seeking revenge for Murphy's interference in last week's match against Mr. Destiny in Keokuk, Iowa. As the match progressed it looked like Murphy had the upper hand. However Rhodes fought back catching Murphy with a Pile-Driver. Time ran out just as Rhodes went for the cover.

Super Star Steve vs War Cloud

The young Harley Race Academy graduate Super Star Steve outlasted the wily veteran to gain the victory, catching War Cloud with his Top Rope Headbutt to gain the victory.

Tag-Team Match:  The Drill Instructor and Trevor Rhodes vs Big Daddy Moore and Matt Murphy

Rhodes went after Murphy even before the bell rang, setting the tone for what was to be a slugfest of a match. Murphy and Big Daddy Moore worked like a well-oiled machine tagging in and out, wearing down the DI relentlessly. The Drill Instructor was finally able to tag out to Trevor Rhodes. Rhodes came in like a house afire and laid out the team of Murphy and Big Daddy Moore. As Murphy and the DI rolled to the outside, Trevor set up for a Top Rope Bull Dog on Moore.  Murphy came up from behind, pushing Rhodes off the rope. Big Daddy Moore hit a head butt from the Top Rope for the win.

WLW World Heavy Weight Championship: Bull Schmitt vs Champion Griz w/Johnny Gold

The challenger, Bull Schmitt, hit the ring and went after the champion for a quick pin. The Champion Griz held off the initial outburst, wearing down the young challenger with a vicious attack, aided by his manager Johhny Gold. Bull, however, was not to be denied and continued the attack. Gold, sensing his champion was in trouble, jumped to the ring apron to distract Schmitt giving Griz the opportunity to recover, then blindside the challenger, to retain the world title.


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