Z-Man vs Chris Benoit



... weighing in at 242 pounds, from Minneapolis, Minnesota, the Z-Man
Chris Benoit and Tom Zenk are classic offensive wrestlers.  Each man maintains control by  mounting an attack against his opponent and continuing the assault relentlessly. Benoit was undefeated since his recent entry to the WCW.  Zenk, on the other hand, was heavily favored by the fans. 

What follows is a surprisingly good professional wrestling match by any standards - indeed, a classic.   We hope you enjoy the angles, the moves, the agility and abilities, not to mention the extraordinary talent of men of such calibre as Chris Benoit and Tom Zenk - the Z-Man.


.......and at 249 pounds, hailing from Calgary, Canada, Chris Benoit 

The referee calls for the bell........

........and the match is underway


Collar and elbow tie-up .... Benoit leans hard into his man...
Benoit goes quickly behind.....
.......and slaps a full-nelson on the Z-Man
Z-Man, immobilized by Benoit's tremendous upper body strength, appears to be in trouble
but the Z-man muscles 
out of the full-nelson....

... while Benoit maintains control with a hammerlock
Z-Man counters effectively, reversing the hammerlock ....

Z-man stays with his man, keeping the wrist trapped.....
.....but Benoit throws a hard elbow to Z-Man's head ......
Z-Man is stunned by the blow.......
........and releases the hold
....allowing Benoit to reverse the hammerlock and regain control of the match.......
Benoit tightens up on the hammerlock putting pressure on that big left shoulder of the Z-Man...
..but Z hooks Benoit's left arm...

and takes the Canadian off his feet with a hip toss....

 ...Z-Man traps Benoit's wrist
....looking for an arm bar ....
Benoit manages to get to his feet....
 ....and anticipating Z-Man's next hammerlock ....
.... counters with a top wristlock, forcing Z-man onto one knee....
The Z-Man powers back 


Z hauls Benoit over with an arm drag..........

.....Benoit scrambles to his feet ....


....and runs head first into a flying drop kick.......

     that sends him to the mat

As Benoit comes back again......

.... another great drop kick by Z-Man!

...sending Benoit into the ring apron and down to the floor....

The referee restrains a fired-up Z-man from stalking Benoit onto the arena floor....


.... and the Z-Man complies .....

....but shows the crowd that he's ready to mix it ....



Benoit regroups outside the ring. Up to this point the newcomer has been completely frustrated by Z-man's effective counters, his ability to match him move by move, and his aerial attack. Benoit takes time out to reconsider his strategy... 


......while a very pumped Z-man, slaps his shoulders, firing up for more ring action .....

The match continues...  Benoit changes tactics away from the competitive opening moments ....
coming soon on tape

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