DDP loses his sparkle ... again

Did anyone see the promo, teasing DDP's new gimmick - and wonder what that tooth-baring was all about?

Back in July 2001, Pro Wrestling Torch reported - "Page wants the WWF to add a feature to the end of his interviews where - after he licks his teeth - they superimpose a "sparkle" reflecting off of his teeth. The idea has been the subject of ridicule in the WWF."

Well this week, it seems, Vince told DDP he could have his little sparkle at long last.

The toothsome promo went ahead.  Seems DDP was informed the sparkle would be added in post-production (as above).  But it never happened!!

Here's how DDP's sparkless promo went to air.....

Bear in mind, Leatherface took a whopping $800,000 loss on his AOL-Time Warner contract to prove himself a joke. This was once the three times, three times, three times WCW world champion. I guess he knows his place now. Poor fool.

"I like me ..... and I know you're going to like me too ...."

FLASHBACK - Steiner, Page fight backstage at Nitro

 - from Bryan Alvarez "Figure Four Weekly" (details below)

WCW couldn’t have two weeks of television pre-emptions coming at a worse time, since the company, already in turmoil, is coming off one of its worst weekends ever.....

The Nitro problems actually started the previous day when Sid arrived and was given the booking sheet. He had been under the impression that he and Steiner were going to go to a double countout to lead to another match in January. When he looked at the sheet, he discovered that the plan had changed and he was going to be doing the job to Steiner via the Recliner. Sid told friends this didn’t really bother him, and if past history is any indication, if it had bothered him he would have just walked out and not done the match.

So the next day, Sid showed up for Nitro and found WCW hadn’t booked anything for him to get his heat back on Steiner. He was also told he was going to be facing Steiner again in a four-way in January along with Rick Steiner and Jeff Jarrett, and perhaps told he was going to be doing the job on that show as well. Regardless of what he was told, he spontaneously developed pain in his arm and shoulder and left the building.

With Sid gone, the show had to be rewritten. That also left only three guys for the scheduled January four-way main event, Steiner, Jarrett and Rick Steiner. Unfortunately, the person in WCW who was supposed to call Rick either lost his number or called the wrong house or just plain forgot to call, because Rick never got the message that he was supposed to be at Nitro. Since both Nitro and Thunder are taped on the same night, they had to put Robbie Rage under a mask and have him attack
Scott at the end of the show, and since Nitro is pre-empted for two weeks, Rick won’t appear on TV until January 8th, the final Nitro before the PPV.

The problems were only beginning. A few weeks ago, Dallas Page called Mark Madden to ask him about some comments that Madden had made about him on the air, and during the phone conversation Kimberly got on the line and cut a promo on Madden. Madden responded by going on his website and saying he was going to shoot on Page on the air, which he did two
weeks ago on Nitro. Madden was subsequently suspended for one week with pay, and neither he nor Page had talked to each other since.

So Page approached Madden in the cafeteria before Nitro. Page told friends earlier that it was the Christmas season and that there was too much negativity in the locker room, so he was going to bury the hatchet with Madden. He approached Madden and stuck his hand out to shake, and Madden responded by sticking both hands up in the air as if he were being robbed. Madden told Page that he’d cost him a week off TV. Page said he didn’t cost Madden anything since Madden was the one who made the unscripted comments on the air in the first place. Madden said he had to go do his radio show, and walked off. Witnesses say Captain Rection immediately went up to Page and asked how he could forgive Madden, and Page said it was Christmas. Rection reportedly said: "You’re a better man than me."

Nitro began, and Scott Steiner came out to cut a promo regarding the Sin PPV. Suddenly, he strayed from the script and went off on a tirade directed at Page, saying Page didn’t have the balls to fight him. Page told others that as soon as he heard Steiner say people were afraid to fight him, he knew Steiner was going to mention his name. There had been rumors all week that Page refused to work with Steiner and had gotten a scheduled house show match against him changed. The show in question had actually been booked over a month in advance with Page vs. Steiner on top, but in the meantime, it got changed to Steiner vs. Sid and Page & Nash vs. Thrillers, since those were the current programs at the time. Page may not have wanted to work with Steiner, but the card was changed for reasons other than Page requesting it be changed.

Page was stretching in the locker room when Steiner made his comments. Ironically, this was the same building where, earlier in the year, a verbal incident occurred between Steiner and Kimberly that resulted in her quitting the company for good. As soon as Steiner said Page had no balls, everyone in the locker room immediately turned and looked over at him, as if to see what he was going to do about it. One witness said: "The air was totally sucked out of the room." Page finished tying his boots and walked down the stairs near the curtain. As soon as Steiner walked backstage, Page reportedly said: "So, I don’t have the balls to face you, huh?" They started swearing at each other and a fight broke out. Steiner took Page down and started pounding on his face, with multiple witnesses saying he went straight for Page’s eye. One source said that Steiner had been cutting his fingernails earlier in the day, and if he hadn’t it would have been a lot uglier. The other wrestlers immediately jumped in to break it up and it reportedly took them over a full minute to pry Steiner off of him. Page was bleeding and had marks all over his face. He later told friends that Steiner wasn’t just scary, he was a killer, and that he was glad he walked away from the fight. Page and Kevin Nash immediately grabbed their stuff and left the building, with some sources saying their last words were: "We’ll be back when there are new owners." Steiner then responded by cutting another promo, this time focusing on Kimberly and saying some very bad things about her.

Since Nash and Page were scheduled to do a segment later, Mike Sanders was told to go out with the Thrillers at about 9:30 EST and cut a promo to "kill time". He was quite successful.

If this situation had happened in the WWF, all three guys would probably have been fired. I say "probably", because if this were the WWF, Steiner would have been fired a long, long time ago for about a dozen different reasons, not the least of which was threatening to beat up Terry Taylor, a member of the booking committee. The heat between Page and Steiner would therefore never have gotten to the point where Page would have actually decided to get into a fight with him. I’m not sure if Nash would have been fired or not, because for some reason I don’t think he’d have made unscripted comments on the air about Scott Hall if Vince told him not to. Maybe he would have. But if all three guys had been in a WWF locker room last night, and what went down at Nitro instead went down at Raw, they’d all have been canned for sure

But this is WCW. As of press time, nobody has been fired, fined, suspended with or without pay, or even reprimanded. Page refused to take phone calls from anyone in the company, so who knows what they’ll say when they finally get hold of him. Steiner finished Nitro and worked the Thunder tapings. The company, through its own incompetence, has created an environment where it’s really hard to blame the three guys in question for what they did. Steiner has cut unscripted promos before, most notably regarding Ric Flair, and given a slap on the wrist. In fact, after the incident with Taylor, he was "suspended" over the July 4th weekend. With pay. Then he got pushed as the top guy. Then he won the World Title. Nash has gone off and done his own thing for years. He got four World Titles. Also the job as head booker. Page has followed the non-existent rules for most of his career, but did cut unscripted promos with Nash regarding Scott Hall, but it’s also hard to call those unscripted because neither of them were told what to say in the first place, and never told directly not to mention Hall’s name. Page, in the weeks following these comments, won the Tag Titles. With Nash.

WCW has created an environment where top guys can do their own thing, and in a roundabout way get rewarded for it. Then management appears shocked when the top guys go off and continue doing their own thing. It sets a bad example for the younger guys, like the Thrillers, who are "paying their dues" as top guys in WCW and see Page, Sid, Nash and Steiner as role models. In a way, the younger guys have been kept in their place, with Madden’s one-week suspension being a pretty good
example, but if they’re pushed as top guys they’re going to feel they can act the same way the other top guys do. I don’t personally think Page or Nash care if they’re fired, and I doubt Sid or Steiner even think they actually could be fired. It’s one of the factors that has helped destroy the company, and the sad thing is, they’re probably both right."

Source - Bryan Alvarez's  - Figure Four Weekly

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