Back in the AWA
Part 2
For four years, he's been considered one of the brightest prospects in the sport. On a cold February 7 night in St. Paul, Minnesota, it looked as if Tom Zenk was about to fulfill his potential and become a world champion for the first time. Zenk had dominated Larry Zbyszko for several minutes, and had the former Western States champion slumped against the ring ropes during a battle royal to determine the new AWA World champion. Zbyszko and Zenk were the last two men in the ring , and the majority of the crowd was pulling for the handsome young Minneapolis native to bring home the gold.  

But it was not to be. Zenk attempted a flying bodypress as Zbyszko staggered against the strands, but the wily veteran caught Zenk and sent him flying over the top rope. Zbyszko would be handed the AWA World belt moments later.To Zenk's credit he refused to complain about the loss, even though referee Gary DeRusha was knocked out when he had Zbyszko pinned just a few minutes earlier. 

Instead, Zenk took stock of himself and scheduled a tour of Japan, where he would face some of the finest talent in the Orient. After a string of solid victories there, Zenk's now back in the AWA, and his goal is to succeed against Zbyszko where he failed before. But will Zenk stay in the AWA long enough to get the job done? 

During the past several years, Zenk has been one of the sport's most elusive competitors. Two years ago, he formed one of the finest tag teams anywhere, The Can-Am Connection, with Rick Martel. But he left the WWF just as they were about to challenge for the World tag team title. Following that [this should read 'Before that' - RD], he wrestled in the AWA, Pacific Northwest, and in Japan, but he didn't stay in any one place long enough to establish himself as a contender. 

All that has changed now. Buoyed by several impressive showings in Japan, Zenk's stock has never been higher. Now he claims he won't leave the AWA until he has the World title belt firmly around his waist. Assistant Editor Bob Smith spoke with Zenk at the wrestler's home in Minnesota, where Zenk spoke candidly about his future plans.

Zenk and Rick Martel once wrestled together as The Can-Am Connection, but Zenk quit the team because he felt Martel was taking all the credit. Now that Martel is a rulebreaker, Zenk is even more convinced he made the right decision.
"What a credit this kid is to this great sport. He's handsome, so all the young girls flock to the arenas to see him, but there's much more to Tom than just a pretty face. He's got blazing speed, impressive strength and an incredible amount of knowledge for such a young guy - and he's in the right place at the right time now. If he can just get a fair match from Larry Zbyszko , there's gonna be a new AWA World champion, daddy " - Capt. Lou Albano  

Capt. Lou Albano has guided 13 tag teams to an unmatched 16 WWf tag team titles.
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