Introducing Tom Zenk
This article, written in early 1985, is a promotional piece for a young wrestler, breaking into the pro wrestling scene - the one and only Tom Zenk.  
(click on picture for full image)

The article makes reference to Zenk's introduction to wrestling via Verne Gagne and Brad Rheingans but omits mention of Ed Sharkey whose also played a key role in Tom's early training. In the article Tom Zenk speaks of his high regard for Verne Gagne.  In later interviews Zenk reflects concern, even disillusionment, with Gagne as an employer. No mention is made of  Zenk's early try out in the short-lived USA Pro Wrestling promotion.  

The article includes some interesting personal insights -   

    (a) In Gagne's training camp Zenk realizes "I was so used to doing things my own way"  - a trait for independence which, to his great credit, defined most of his subsequent ring career; 

     (b) " I have a lot of trouble getting aggressive. I've always learned to follow the rules in any sport I've participated in." This "lack of aggression" has often been contrasted unfavorably with the hunger and drive of other wrestlers such as Brian Pillman. While "lack of aggression" and "sticking by the rules" may have been a liability in some promotions, it also contributed, most significantly, to the grace and athleticism of Zenk's performance, making his particular brand of wrestling so attractive;  

    (c) in response to (pre-Can-Am) claims of a resembance to Rick Martel - (claims which seemed to dog much of his early career)  Zenk responds, with characteristic good-humor - "We both smile a lot." 

Introducing Tom Zenk