Returns to AWA glory days!
by Jeff Hughes, Superstar Wrestlers, June 1988

 This article first appeared in June 1988 and sets up the future confrontation between Zenk and former tag partner, Curt Hennig. 

Hennig, was then AWA World Champion, and weighed in at 235 lbs - the same weight as Zenk. 

The top ten AWA wrestlers of June 1988 were, in this order -  

1. Greg Gagne 220 lbs, Mound MN 
2. Wahoo McDaniel 265 lbs, Okla City, OK 
3. Adrian Adonis 310 lbs, New York, NY 
4. Tom Zenk 234 lbs, Robinsdale, MN 
5. Jerry Lawler 235 lbs, Hendersonville, TN 
6. Nord the Barbarian 306 lbs,Anoka, MN 
7. Kevin Kelly 288 lbs, Oakland, CA 
8. DJ Peterson 245 lbs, St. Joseph, MO 
9. Soldad Ustinov 275 lbs, Moscow, USSR 
10. Mitch Snow 223 lbs, Milwaukee, WI

Ric Flair was NWA Champion, Dusty Rhodes was US Champion, and The Honky Tonky Man was WWF Intercontinental Champion. Ric Martel was in the WWF teaming with Tito Santana as Strike Force.