From last week - This page first appeared as Gallery 3.6 in April of this year.  Image quality was poor because of the age of the tapes.  A Tom Zenk fan generously responded to our appeal for better images by donating two high quality tapes of early Tom Zenk in AWA. We'll use these tapes to upgrade this section over the next few months and provide comprehensive coverage of  the first wrestling appearances of Tom Zenk.
tom zenk's pro debut year
AWA, 1984
Part 2
On the tag scene, the reigning Tag Champions at the time of Zenk's debut were "The Sheiks" (Jerry Blackwell and Ken Patera) who were feuding with "The High Flyers" - Greg Gagne and Jim Brunzell. The AWA tag scene also included The Road Warriors (Animal and Hawk) - who subsequently took the title from von Raschke and Blackwell (August 25, 1984), "The Fabulous Ones" (Steve Keirn and Stan Lane) and "The Freebirds" - various combinations of Buddy Roberts, Michael Hayes and Terry Gordy. A new tag team,  "The East West Connection," (comprising Mr. Saito and Jesse Ventura) had formed to challenge "The Sheiks" for the tag title. Blackjack Mulligan had returned to the AWA and joined his old friend Blackjack Lanza ("The Black Jacks") to knock off the Sheiks. Abdullah the Butcher and King Kong Brody were another new combination under the management of Sheik Adnan El Kaissey.

Nationally the "top twenty" wrestlers of Tom's debut year included Nick Bockwinkel (AWA Champion), Hulk Hogan (WWF Champion),  Ric Flair (NWA World Champion), Carlos Colon (Universal Champion), Harley Race, Dusty Rhodes, Ted Dibiase, Paul Orndorff, Bob Backlund, Stan Hansen, Billy Jack Haynes, Kerry and Kevin Von Erich, Ken Patera, Curt Hennig, and Jack and Jerry Brisco.
Tom Zenk - as a young journeyman - was destined to spend most of 1984 gaining experience in preliminary bouts  and working his way up the AWA card. Though he spent most of the year on the losing side (see cards below) - it was against top competition in the singles division including AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel and upcoming AWA champion Larry Zbyszko -  and in tag action against the Road Warriors and Bockwinkel and Saito.

Michael Hayes is about to post Tom Zenk, 1984
 Zenk is thrown from the ring by Steve Regal
Tom Zenk headlocks Steve Regal
Mr Saito slaps a bear hug on Tom Zenk
Jimmy Garvin corner posts Zenk
Tom Zenk resists Butch Reed's sleeper-hold
 Victory over Steve Regal
It was also during this time at AWA that Tom Zenk and Rick Martel's paths crossed for the first time. Martel was settling into a sustained period as AWA Heavyweight Champion and a friendship developed that was to take Martel and Zenk to Canada (IWA), then to the WWF as the Can-Am Connection - and finally dissolution of their friendship and tag team in mid 1987. 
Despite his relative inexperience in the professional ring, Wrestling Observer Newsletter recognized Tom's early talent, awarding both Zenk and Keiichi Yamada (Jushin "Thunder" Liger of New Japan Pro Wrestling) the 1984 "Rookie of the Year" Award.  (Interestingly both Yamada and Zenk share the same birthday, November 30).

The AWA was characterized by a particular style of no-nonsense wrestling that Zenk imbued, maybe to his ultimate career disadvantage. The AWA style is perhaps best described as "scientific wrestling" in the Lou Thesz tradition, specializing in sustained bouts, often hour long matches, using an extraordinary range of holds (before McMahon and WWF these were the norm). 

In 1987,  the AWA began to fade under the impact of the new WWF and NWA.

In 1989 Tom returned to the AWA for a short tour before moving to the NWA which had recently been purchased by Ted Turner's TBS and was rising to challenge WWF.

For that short period Tom had returned to his roots in  "the Fenway park, the Wrigley Field of wrestling - home teams [such as the AWA] rarely win the accolades of the nation, but they are timeless entities who merit respect". The same might be said of former AWA wrestlers with the style and endurance of Tom Zenk.

If you can add to or disagree with anything above -or have additional information on match results from 1984 - please email me from here.
AWA  1984
Card results
February 27, 1984
Bloomington, MN     
(USA Pro Wrestling) ... Todd Cooley beat Rick Renslow  
666 beat Glenn Lieske  
Jerry Valiant beat Bobby Colt   
Bill Ash beat Paddy Ryan   

George Wells beat Joe Stark   
New York Doll beat Tom Zenk  
The Amazing Zulu (Ron Pope) and Bill Dromo beat Mike George and Mark Crowell   
Tommy Gilbert drew with Billy Howard   
666 beat Rick Crowell   
Mike George beat Rick Renslow 

 July 22, 1984  Minneapolis, Minnesota (TV): Curt Hennig beat Mike Richards  
Mr. Saito and Bobby Heenan beat Rick Gainer and Tom Zenk    

(Atlanta tape) The Road Warriors beat Mike Jackson and Randy Barber   
Tony Atlas beat Tom Stone  
Billy Robinson beat Jake Milamen 

 August 12, 
St. Paul, Minnesota     
The Crusher and Baron von Raschke vs The Road Warriors (NC)  

Jim Brunzell and Tony Atlas beat King Kong Brody (DQ)  
Nick Bockwinkel and Mr. Saito beat Blackjack Lanza and Stan Lane  

Curt Hennig drew with Billy Robinson   
Brad Rheingans beat Larry Zbyszko   

Steve Regal beat Tom Zenk    

 August 19, 1984 
Minneapolis, Minnesota (TV):
King Kong Brody beat Jimmy Doo  
The Road Warriors beat Iron Duke and Martine Escobella  
Tony Atlas beat Woody Wilson  

Nick Bockwinkel and Mr. Saito beat Tom Zenk and Natcho Verrera    

Curt Hennig beat Rick Renslow    

September 2, 1984 
Minneapolis, Minnesota (TV)
Curt Hennig beat Bruce Dean  

(tape, 9/25/83) Brad Rheingans drew with Nick Bockwinkel  
Nick Bockwinkel and Mr. Saito beat Tom Zenk and Woody Wilson    

Tony Atlas beat Iron Duke  
The Road Warriors beat Jimmy Doo and Rick Renslow 

 September 9, 1984 
Minneapolis, Minnesota (TV):
Tony Atlas beat Bruce Dean  
Curt Hennig and Steve Olsonoski beat Rick    
Renslow and Jimmy Doo  
The Road Warriors beat Tom Zenk and Van Patrick  
... (Las Vegas tape) The Road Warriors beat The Crusher and Baron von Raschke  
Jim Brunzell beat Iron Duke    
 September 9, 1984 
St. Paul, Minnesota:
Rick Martel drew with Brad Rheingans   
Steve Keirn and Stan Lane and Blackjack Lanza beat Nick Bockwinkel, Mr. Saito and Bobby Heenan  
The Road Warriors beat Jim Brunzell and Steve Olsonoski  
Curt Hennig beat Harley Race (DQ)  
Billy Robinson beat Steve Regal  
Larry Zbyszko beat Tom Zenk 
 September 30, 1984 
Minneapolis, Minnesota (TV):
Baron von Raschke beat Rick Renslow  

Nick Bockwinkel and Mr. Saito beat Tom Zenk and Craig Carson    

Rick Martel beat Ernie Kirkland   

(tape, 6/10) King Kong Brody beat Steve Olsonoski   
The Road Warriors beat Bruce Dean and Jimmy Doo 

October 7, 1984 
Minneapolis, Minnesota (TV) 
Nick Bockwinkel beat Brian Lucas   

Curt Hennig and Steve Olsonoski beat Iron Duke and Jimmy Doo   

Steve Regal drew with Tom Zenk  
The Road Warriors beat Bruce Dean and Dave Petro  
Tony Atlas beat Rick Renslow 

October 14, 1984 
Minneapolis, Minnesota (TV)
Tony Atlas beat Bruce Dean  
Nick Bockwinkel beat Tom Zenk   

Jim Brunzell beat Jimmy Doo  

The Road Warriors beat Brian Lucas and Rick Renslow  
(tape, 9/30) King Kong Brody vs Jerry Blackwell 

October 21, 1984
Minneapolis, Minnesota (TV)
Baron von Raschke beat Rick Renslow  
Nick Bockwinkel beat Bruce Dean  
Curt Hennig and Steve Olsonoski beat Brian Lucas and Tom Scott   

Tony Atlas beat Iron Duke   

The Road Warriors beat Tom Zenk and Jimmy Doo    

October 21, 1984 
St. Paul, Minnesota
(Tag Team Battle Royal*) Winners: Jerry Blackwell and Boom Boom Bundy   

Jerry Blackwell beat King Kong Brody  
Steve Keirn and Stan Lane vs The Road Warriors (NC)  
Baron von Raschke beat Ellering   

Curt Hennig drew with Nick Bockwinkel  
Tony Atlas beat Mr. Saito (DQ)  

Jim Garvin beat Tom Zenk   

(*also in Tag Team Battle Royal - Steve Olsonoski and Brad Rheingans, Jim Brunzell and Tony Atlas, Billy Robinson and Larry Zbyszko, The Crusher and Baron von Raschke, Jim Garvin and Steve Regal, Steve Keirn and Stan Lane, The Road Warriors, Larry and Curt Hennig, Nick Bockwinkel and Mr. Saito) 

 October 28, 1984
Minneapolis, Minnesota (TV)
Tony Atlas beat Tom Scott   
Mr. Saito beat Brian Jewell  
Steve Keirn and Stan Lane beat Chris Pepper and Rick Renslow  

The Road Warriors beat Tom Zenk and Jimmy Doo  
Rick Martel beat Ricky Jones 

November 11, 1984
Minneapolis, Minnesota (TV)
Nick Bockwinkel beat Tom Zenk   
Steve Keirn and Stan Lane beat Ricky Jones and Jimmy Doo   
Steve Regal beat Brian Jewell  

Tony Atlas and Jim Brunzell beat Rick Renslow and Chris Markoff   

Mr. Saito beat Chris Pepper 

 November 25, 1984
Minneapolis, Minnesota (TV)
Jim Garvin beat Terry Ellis  

Mr. Saito beat Rocky King  
The Road Warriors beat Tom Zenk and Paul Garner  

Billy Robinson beat Jason Walker  
Rick Martel vs Rick Renslow (never started - Jim Garvin interfered)    

December 9, 1984
Minneapolis, Minnesota (TV)
Mr. Saito beat Stan Lane   
Tony Atlas and Jim Brunzell beat Jim Mitchell and Rick Renslow  

Jim Garvin beat Tom Zenk  
Baron von Raschke beat Larry Zbyszko (DQ)   
The Road Warriors beat Brian Jewell and Ricky Jones    

December 16, 1984 
Minneapolis, Minnesota (TV)     
Baron von Raschke beat Ricky Jones  
The Road Warriors beat Tom Zenk and Stan Lane  
Jim Garvin beat Chris Pepper  
(tape, 11/22) Greg Gagne vs Sheik Adnan El Kaissey  
Steve Keirn and Stan Lane beat Steve Regal and Larry Zbyszko (DQ) 
  n card  information generously supplied by Scott Teal   "Whatever Happened to ...?"      
'The publication that everyone's talking about!"
Tom Zenk  and Desire, AWA 1984

"One thing you can say about Zenk ... he has desire. If desire means anything, every time he gets into the ring I can see that he gives a hundred percent. But this is not the era in which desire alone, tenacity and an 'I don't care attitude' (will be enough) to become as great as the Legion of Doom." 

Precious Paul Ellering,  manager of the Legion of Doom a.k.a. The Road Warriors - extract from his commentary on an early AWA match between Zenk and Craig Carson vs Nick Bockwinkel and Akio Saito.


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