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Is it 1... 2.... 3 
for the Count?

Eric suckers Seigel ?
Bischoff's turn on Russo just a work....

Russo's 'master plan to rescue WCW' has taken us up to the Bash. Bischoff's 'master plan to rescue WCW' will, at best, take us up to Christmas. And what happens then?

On June 6, 2000 the day after a much hyped but disasterous Nitro at the Phillips Arena in WCW's home town Atlanta - Eric Bischoff was reportedly called in by WCW Vice President Brad Seigel for a dressing down.  The next day, PWTorch reported - "Bischoff said that...he supports Russo, but stopped short of saying he approves of his direction and seemed to be greatly distancing himself from the on-air product." Since then Russo has sent Lex Luger, Liz and Kimberley home and begun parodying Dallas Page with the help of Chris 'Positively' Kanyon.Yesterday Russo went on leave, with rumors circulating of a break with Bischoff........

Question - What do you make of reports that Bischoff is beginning to distance himself from Russo?

Z - It's an old tradition in WCW for the bookers to 'work' the management, and it's my guess that  Bischoff's 'break up' with Russo is just another work - with Bischoff and Russo presenting Brad Seigel with a 'master plan' that allows them to buy some more time on salary from Turner. With Russo's 'master plan to rescue WCW' now in ruins, its time for  Bischoff's 'master plan to rescue WCW' which will take us up to Christmas, or until they can find a buyer - which ever's sooner.

For the past few months, Russo has been working with Flair to put over the family von Flair, with Flair putting over Russo in return. Flair has been called on for some emergency CPR to resuscitate Nitro, particularly after the Arquette fiasco.  In fact,  the only time Nitro appears to peak in the ratings is when Flair is on TV. That's FLAIR not Russo - it's clear why McMahon never put Russo on TV.

Meanwhile, Hogan and Bischoff have been hovering in the wings.  Bischoff has been holding off TV the guys he plans to build the second half of the year around. First, Goldberg's return from injury was indefinitely delayed, then Scott Steiner disappeared ( 'suspended' for indiscipline) then Buff Bagwell disappeared ('suspended' for indiscipline) then Luger disappeared ('suspended' for indiscipline) and Sid Vicious (presumably absent on his 'annual holidays'). Add to the list Nash who's been virtually absent all year and maybe a rehabbed Hall - then consider what all these guys have in common - and I guess you have all you need to know to identify the outline of Bischoff's next "master plan to rescue Nitro". In case you're still guessing, consider Hogan's recent return to his Hollywood persona - (in six months Hogan has had four equally unsuccessful incarnations as 'Hollywood' -'Terry Bollea' - 'Hulkster' - now 'Hollywood' again).

They're hoping that this and the Goldberg heel turn will add some value to the company's product -  I've heard they're urgently looking for a buyer.

Spare a thought for WCW VP Brad Seigel.  Bischoff,  Russo and Sullivan's booking has generated a reported $61 million annual loss for WCW (with another possible $10 million loss for Warner on "Ready to Rumble").  What choice has Seigel,  other than a fire sale of the company that would probably sink his own career?

who'll buy a company in crisis,  with a bottom line of negative $61 million, a geriatric workforce with
an engrained history of nepotism and cronyism?

My guess is that Seigel's instructions from AOL-Time Warner are to give WCW a thorough 'workout'  to get the company in shape for a quick sale.  But who'll buy a company in crisis, with a bottom line of negative $61 million, a geriatric workforce with an engrained history of nepotism and cronyism?

Question - What do you think of the Goldberg heel turn?

Z - As in "Who killed Goldberg?" The formula for Goldberg is simple - look at what the WWF did with Hogan back in the 80s.  My guess is that Russo and Bischoff think counter-intuitively  - they see what WWF are doing and then they do the opposite. WWF takes raw talent and makes a star - WCW buys old WWF/ECW stars and reduces them to raw talent. WWF builds everyone up and makes millions - WCW buries everyone and loses millions. Watching WCW is like looking in the mirror of WWF. Except WCW appears even more successful at losing money that WWF is at earning it!

Just think what Vince could have done with Goldberg. Then look what WCW have done with him. Vince fed Kamala to Hogan, they fed Hercules Hernandez to Hogan, they fed Hogan with everyone including Andre the Giant.  So what do WCW do with Goldberg? Goldberg gets hot, then gets beaten by Nash with his great knee lifts in the corner. Then Goldberg gets injured for 6 crucial months pursuing a worthless gimmick smashing a car window.

The "Forrest Gump" of wrestling everyone seems to have missed 
Page's talent except his next 
door neighbor Eric Bischoff

Question- With Goldberg their top heel - who's going to be their top babyface?

Z - You tell me? It can't be Jarrett -  Jarrett carries the reputation of being beaten by Chyna in WWF.  It can't be wrestling's Forrest Gump  [Dallas Page] - "not pretty enough to be a face and not big enough to be a heel" - anyway isn't he 51 with ruptured discs. I've always thought - with so much 'talent' - how come Vince never picked up on Dallas Page? You know Vince doesn't miss! But everyone seems to have missed Page's talent except his next door neighbor Eric Bischoff. So who else is there. Sting and Luger? Just think about it. Luger, Sting, Flair, Arn, Dusty, etc., have had a VERY long run on top without drawing $$$$. WCW is projected to lose $61 million this year alone - and this is when wrestling is at its hottest!! Think how much they've lost in the last decade. Who gets a 15 year run at the top anywhere, especially when they're not drawing. Not even Hogan had 15 years at WWF. At the moment I can't see anyone who can do a program with Goldberg, the way The Rock is working with HHH over at WWF.

....Page wants to fight Keller - I'll fight him on Keller's behalf .....any day

Question -  What makes a face become a heel and vice versa? I recall your comment that you're 'a heel trapped in a babyface's body.'

Z -  Many guy's are addicted to the "pop" or applause of the crowd  - whether they're babyface or heel for that matter. Terry Funk loves the pop, mostly as a heel.  DDP loves being a babyface -  that's why he's so sensitive to criticism from Keller etc. [By the way, Page has been calling out Keller for several weeks now. Why pick on a non-wrestler like Keller? If Page wants a fight, I'll give him one anyday].

As a general rule faces or heels turn when their run with their current persona gets a waning crowd reaction. There are exceptions. For example, the Road Warriors turned because people were cheering them stronger than the faces.... In their interviews on TV the Warriors were saying that they'd kick butt and they did! And people love a guy who talks kick- ass stuff and can back it up. A babyface, on the other hand, should never promise a victory when he knows the finish is going to go to the heels. People lose respect when you can't deliver a victory. You just end up looking goofy like Bagwell.

Hogan always wins, the Warrior always wins, so.. if you're figured in as a main guy, you have to adjust your interview and only make promises you know you can keep. That in turn builds credibility with the fans as someone who tells the 'truth'! The only problem with this is that there are only a select few who have enough stroke with the office to carry this important psychological effect through to a logical conclusion and get themselves over in a given territory. And what a difference a small detail like this makes!!! Without stroke, your abiliity to get over rests entirely on the whim of the bookers and their 'creative ability'.

Question - From 1991 then were long periods when you, Pillman and others didn't get many or any pushes from the bookers. How did you guys manage to keep morale during these long droughts?

Z - The top manipulators labeled guys like Brad Armstrong a ' wild party guy.' That's code for 'never to be trusted with a top spot',  They gave me, Pillman and many others similar labels, just to kill off competition and help them keep their own spots.

When you're stuck in the coin return, there's not a lot you can do about it.  But  you can still have fun! What really gets the top guys mad is when you party, chase women, stay out late, and still come to the arena looking good, perform well and make it look easy - without ever once having to kiss ass.  It really kills them - or shall I say it kills their EGO's!  It's great HEAT when a jobber like Z-Man or Pillman or Armstrong don't sell about losing (its supposed to kill your morale) or don't go around wearing their heart on their sleeve -  and instead turn up the heat after the matches, partying at night. The top guy's think everyone should be drooling over them in clubs. I mean THEY've had 10 plus years on top.  Yet WE were the guys who were getting the attention night after night. And the kicker was that THEY were married but acting single and living the lie!!  It was a level playing field outside the arena and that made them really hot!!!


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