Tora, Tora, Tora!! .... as the Can-Am Connection gets pearl-harbored by the Islanders, 1987 ... and an amazing feud develops ....
The Islanders' manager, Bobby Heenan manages to distract the Can-Ams  .....
... before the bell .... look out behind guys!! ....
 a karate chop to Martel ....
.... and both men are on the ropes ....
as the Islanders hammer away  - a sagging Martel is out of it  - 
.... leaving both Islanders (Haku and Tama) free to work on Tom  ....
.... Zenk is dive- 
bombed ....
to the head and abdomen
.... manhandled.....
 ....and whipped to the outside .....
to the auditorium floor 
 .... Tama scoops Tom up for a body slam ....
.... then positions him for more punishment ....
.... climbing back  ....
.... onto the ring apron ....
.... Tama launches another dive-bomb ....
....head on head ....
 ....Tom takes the blow....
...arches forward ....
.... and falls back unconscious.
Martel  arrives .... 
.... but too late ... it's a count out .....
....  victory to the Islanders! ......
.... and a feud is launched!

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