gallery 4.4

Career Highlights - turning points 1987 
Extracts from magazine reports for July, 1987- for further information/images see 
Career Highlights 1984 - 1997
in the A-Zenk Menu

Pro-Wrestling Illustrated
July, 1987
Scouting  Report 
A No-Holds Barred Look At Wrestling's Top Stars
"blindingly bright outlook for 1987"
HOME TOWN: Minneapolis, MN 
HEIGHT: 6'11/2" 
WEIGHT: 237 
RATING: No 5 tag team (with Rick Martel) 
  • Drop-kick. Zenk's version of this maneuver is easily one of the top three in the sport, and gets more effective each day.
  • Power. Former career as bodybuilder has provided Zenk with impressive strength.
  • Enthusiasm. Approaches his new teaming with Martel with boundless energy.
  • Inexperience. Zenk has only been a pro for three years: he has yet to face the sport's top competition.
  • Overprotective. Young and good-looking, Zenk tends to protect his face in a violent match.
  • Image. May be too preoccupied with becoming half of a "WWF Rock 'n' Roll Express".
OTHER COMMENTS:  Held several bodybuilding titles, including Mr Minnesota, Mr Twin Cities, and Mr North Country ..... Former Pacific Northwest champion and PNW tag team titleist with Scott Doring.....Trained by Rick Martel, Zenk now regards Martel as his mentor..... Together Martel and Zenk are known as "The Can-Am Connection." 

OUTLOOK FOR '87: Blindingly bright. The Can-Ams seem destined to capture the WWF World tag team belts by summer at the latest. And with Martel as his teacher, Zenk can only improve. 

Pro-Wrestling Illustrated
July, 1987
Meanwhile Craig Peters in the "In Focus" section of the July, 1987 PWI, predicted future wrestling talent ("A Strong Crop of Youngsters"). While many were unknowns, Peters, observed - 
    "It wasn't too long ago that people were wondering about names like Nikita Koloff, Steve Williams, Lex Luger, Scott Hall, The Midnight Rockers and Tom Zenk. Today, those wrestlers are the new ruling class of the sport". 
Pro-Wrestling Illustrated
July, 1987
Stu Saks in the "Dressing Room Confidential" in the same edition of  PWI was asking the question "Which wrestling area is in the best shape?" and concluded -  
    "Listed (in no particular order) are the top musclemen in each area ..... 
      WWF - Hulk Hogan; Billy Jack Haynes; Hercules Hernandez; Butch Reed; Paul Orndorff; Tom Zenk;  Rick Steamboat; Randy Savage; Paul Roma; Scott McGhee. 

      World Championship: Road Warrior Hawk; Road Warrior Animal; Nikita Koloff; Lex Luger; Rick Rude. 

      World  Class: Kerry Von Erich; Dingo Warrior; Lance Von Erich; Tony Atlas; Steve Simpson; Kevin Von Erich". 

Pro-Wrestling Illustrated
July, 1987
PWI's "Arena Report" reported  -  
    Olympic Saddledome (Calgary, Alberta) - The Can-Am Connection and the Killer Bees beat The Hart Foundation and Demolition (reported Kelli Smith)  

    Riverfront Coliseum (Cincinnati) - The Can-Am Connection beat The Iron Sheik and Nicolai Volkoff (reported Scott Baxter).

    In the same month The Wrestler advertised as its second lead "A Special Analysis of the Super Feud between The Hart Foundation [WWF tag champions] and The Can-Am Connection

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