Visit The Honky Tonk Man's official website TheHonkyTonkMan.com
DDP's facelift, Arn's hairpiece, Flair's boney legacy, Nash stiffs Pillmans .....

Honky Tonk Man (Wayne Ferris) has joined the list of shooters on the failed WCW.

Meanwhile Bischoff stooge, Bob Ryder, is on the job, trying to silence him. Remember when Bob tried to silence Tom Zenk - and Bob got buried!!

This time round, Bob got big Kevin Nash to do his fighting for him. Remember Kevin - he used to wrestle?  But it looks like Kev's been buried too - and in the opening seconds of round one!!!!

Now read on ....

A sample of the Honky Tonk Man's shooting

DDP's face lift

The Honky Tonk Man's enemy list -

"Old, Bald Headed, SOB," Hogan, "Viagra Man" Savage, "I Need more Dope" Hall, "Big Lazy - I know I should not be in this business" Nash, "60 minutes of Bull Man" Flair, "I am so small, but my ego is so big" Bishoff,  "I Love perversion" Russo, "Fatboy from Oklahoma" Ross, "Chester the  Molester" Lawler .... "My voice is so fake" Michael Hayes, "I miss Sunny so much" Davey Boy Smith, "I'm finally going to kill this place (WCW)" Lugar,  "Is my face lift too tight" DDP,and "My daddy ripped people off, so can I, but I still can't get over after 15 years" Jeff Jarrett."

Ric Flair and his boney legacy

"Flair has been around way too long. Nothing but a liar, and a backstabbing SOB. He will be remembered as bringing his boney non-trained son into the business.After all the years, and all the sons of other guys he has seen, he **** right on the business. Buzz Sawyer stood up to a mark, defended Flair's wife's honor, went to jail for beating up the mark, and (Flair) wouldn't bail Buzz out of jail."

Arn "Four Town Killing Horsemen" Anderson

"Arn Anderson - Ric Flair's Beefcake. Arn knew where his bread was buttered. He and Tully were lost in WWF without Whoooo Flair. Arn is a real office guy (in Flair's office of course). Away from Flair, he was ok. I was there when Bob Armstrong pulled off his hair piece. He didn't put it in his book though."

audio of HTM on Below the Belt  -  more shooting on WCW

Nash vs Honky Tonk  ..........plus a Jake Roberts run in

Honky Tonk - "Bill Goldberg  is the only person, anyone, myself included, tuned in to see on Nitro. Why Nash, as the booker, had to kill this guy off, only shows the ego that goes with "the power of the pencil." Bill should have ***** slapped Nash at the thought of that finish and walked out. Goldberg was the hottest thing in the world. I don't even know the guy, but when I saw that, I called Jimmy Hart and said, "Why would Nash do that, you guys just killed that place, you're dead now, it's over. Nash has to be a double agent for doing that. Why would Hogan let Nash do that." Good luck to Bill, he had a great, short run.

"What did Nash or Hall bring to the table in WCW other than bankruptcy."

Nash - ""I don't have time to reply to him. I have a life. Yes he is the greatest of all time. In fact, when I sit around with a bunch of the guys talking about the greatest wrestlers of all time, Honky Tonk Man is the first wrestler to come to mind. It's pathetic that he's sitting home listening to .... Bruce Springsteen's "Glory Days". Wayne, I initially said I wouldn't, but now I will send you $5...to buy a life."

"Here's a guy who was the top heel in the business, or so he says, but he seems pretty disgruntled. Seems maybe he wasn't a top heel at all or maybe he didn't make all the money he says he made. Then again, I'm sure he has a single-wide in Arizona he's proud of."

"When I beat Bill Goldberg for the belt at Starrcade I wasn't booking, and didn't start booking until 38 days after that match. I beat Bill and then handed the belt over to Hulk. That was the angle." {source: 1wrestling.com]

[Dave Meltzer says Nash is not telling the truth. He confirms Nash was involved with booking when the decision was made to job Goldberg.]

Jake the Snake says Nash killed the WCW

Jake Roberts - "HTN must have struck a nerve if there ever was one? Kevin, who were you sitting around talking to? Jarrett, Steiner or Jericho's Valet? Kevin you fit in there with the Jericho's, the Gulas's, the Jarrett's, the Ultimate Warriors and the Beefcake's. The luckiest people or the 'family' or the best workers behind closed doors to ever get in the business, you should be arrested for imitating wrestlers. Fact is your working, and your booking helped seal the coffin of WCW. By the way did you always know how, or did Shawn show you?

I'm not a disgruntled old timer, who didn't save his money - I'm one of the thousands who gave their heart and soul to the business for 20 years. The ones that built it and the ones that were used to build cartoon characters for the untalented, unable to work whores of today. See Kevin the truth is, I've learned never to say never, because if I wanted to **** one - I would, but never for a dollar. Thank you.....hope you understand. Honky had the guts to stand up not kneel down."

Jake "The Snake" Roberts

Honky - "Who would believe Nash now that he has exposed himself as a ****** liar. He lied with every breath about HTM and he is lying about Hall being sober. Nash says they took a road trip in the "Benz" hell, we don't care about your car, anybody can get a car. Have you not seen the ads Nash -no job, no credit, no problem. What you fail to mention when you said Hall was sober on the trip, was for how long and whether or not the "Doobie Brothers" were present. What other narcotics were consumed? I bet you guys were sooo sad because that "punk ass" Bishoff wasn't with you to help pay the trans. Hell, as cheap as you ******* are, you would make that little puke pay it all."

How Nash Stiffed Pillman's Family

"We here at theHonkyTonkMan.com would like to take a minute to respond to Kevin Nash's latest comments. First off, we want to thank Kevin for taking time out of his "busy" schedule, we know that sitting on your arse and collecting a couple mill is hard work. As far that 5 dollars, please do send it our way! While your at it, send Brian Pillman's family the 20 grand you promised them, because according to our sources, you still haven't lived up to your promises. Any time, any place, you low life piece of dog****!! Oh, I will be calling the "Children With Aids Foundation" here in Phoenix to see if you stiffed them too!! "

Big Sleazy Replies

Bob Ryder [1wrestling.com] reports that in response to allegations that Nash failed to make a donation of $20,000 he said he would make to the Brian Pillman Memorial Fund (ALMOST 2 YEARS AGO), Nash said:

"Like other wrestlers, I appeared at the show without charging for my appearance, and I told the crowd that night that I would be donating $20,000 to the fund. I had every intention of doing so."

"Because $20,000 is a substantial amount of money my accountant advised me that I needed to verify the non-profit status of the fund in order to claim a tax deduction for the charitable contribution. I asked for, but never received, proof of the charitable status of the fund."

"Making a donation of the size I intended to make is not like dropping $20 in a jar, it is a significant transaction that has to be made in a certain way."

Visit The Honky Tonk man's official website TheHonkyTonkMan.com for more shoots like these

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