Heel on Face 'Martel' vs Zenk

Remember hair pulls, trunk pulls, blindside eye gouges, appeals to the ref ... and cowering heels who loved to be hated

from IWA, Montreal, 1986

Opponent - 'Frenchy Martin' - aka 'Frenchy Martel' real name Pierre Vigneault, 'brother' of Richard Vigneault aka 'Rick Martel'.

The babyface ...
Frenchy proves he's a heel by refusing to shake hands.....
The test of strength ...
 proves the babyface's greater strength...twice.
  If athleticism and strength prevail,  the babyface is going to win.....
 Frenchy complains he lost the test of strength by an illegal hair pull...
Now it's clear, the only way the heel can win is by cheating. Meanwhile, Frenchy underlines that he's a cowering heel ...
 Frenchy breaks the hold with an illegal trunk pull.
 Another illegal trunk pull ...
And an illegal eye gouge ...
 It's time for the face to make a comeback... NEXT 


Tom Zenk tapes available from here

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