The First Lady of Wrestling
Missy Hyatt
On Tom Zenk

In the last few weeks, Missy Hyatt has been out in the media promoting her new book - "First Lady of Wrestling: The Original Sexy Sidekick Tells All." The book is scheduled for release by TV Books at $17.95 in July or August. In the following extracts from three recent interviews Missy  -

  • suggests a new angle for Tom Zenk,
  • confirms how Tom was released from WCW after offering to testify in her lawsuit against WCW
  • quotes from the A - Zenk on quality over quantity.


1. "We're not worthy"

Missy Hyatt joins the show (Dave Meltzer's Wrestling Observer Live, February, 2001)

Missy - "Hi Dave. You're coming to New York City aren't you?

DM - "Yeah. I'm coming to New York tomorrow."

Missy - "Well Elektra wants to get a date and we want to take you out. You're the Ultimate Eyebrow."

DM- "The Ultimate Eyebrow - what does that mean?"

Missy - " We put Halycon in your drink and you pass out and we shave your eyebrow. C'mon go out with us. If we promise not to shave your eyebrow, you'll go out with us?"

DM -"Yes I will..."

Missy - "OK Cool BECAUSE Elektra loves Tom Zenk. She wants to meet him. She listens to the show all the time and she likes to listen to Tom Zenk. And she wants him to do the Brian Pillman show next year because she wants to come - And she wants to do that Wayne's World 'I'm not worthy' to Tom Zenk. She says he's the best talker.

DM - "You know what's so funny - he's made a great rep doing this showw and some other shows. If he ever did that when he was an active wrestler, he'd have been a superstar."

Missy - "Oh my god, I know. No one ever gave him a chance."

DM - "Yeah. He was totally miscast as that white meat babyface.."

Missy - "Yeah!!"

DM - "He should have been like the total...."

Missy - "Disgruntled wrestler."

DM - "Ha Ha."

Missy - "Like the disgruntled postal worker.."

DM - "Kurt Anglish... but even more bitter."

Missy - "No no no - Kurt Angle is goofy. He needs to be like The Bitter Guy - "no-one ever gave me a break. I'm good looking. I don't know why I'm not on top. Steve Austin he's bald. He's not good looking. I'm good looking." Yeah - that sort of angle."


Wayne's World

Madonna: "Hello Garth."
Garth: "Oh my God -- it's Madonna! I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!"
Wayne: "Ok Ok -- Garth -- we're in Madonna's bedroom... Whoa!"
BOTH: "We're not worthy! We're not worthy!"
Madonna:"Ok shut-up -- you're both worthy."


2. On WCW's victimization of Missy, Cactus and Tom Zenk

Missy on confirms how Tom Zenk was fired by WCW after appearing on her witness list in a lawsuit against WCW.

Q - "Can you tell us about the circumstances of leaving WCW."

Missy " I really can't discuss a lot of it and I don't discuss a lot of it in my book because the lawsuit was concluded in 96 and I had to sign an agreement.

But I did get fired by Eric Bischoff and Tom Zenk saw the firing and told me I'll testify for you and as soon as he turned up on my witness list he was gone.

And on that Current Affair thing, did you notice Cactus Jack said "I hope Missy gets some money out of Ted Turner's deep pockets". He was fired after that too.

The major thing was that my contract was to be renewed - then because of circumstances with ceertain people - it didn't happen - and I got fired in such a way that waasn't really called for - and when I got my merchandising check - like the year before my merchandising was $30,000 - and after they fired me they gave me a merchandising check for like $200"

[That took Missy to an attorney who suggested she also pursue WCW for sexual harassment].

Missy - "Eric Bischoff has a problem. I think he sleeps with farm animals."


3. On quality over quantity

Missy Hyatt  - Interviewed on the 'tell all' web site

Question:  We hear about the boys and all their conquests. Have you had any experiences with male and/or female rats?

Missy:  As Tom Zenk would say "1 of my rats were worth a million of theirs".....  I did have a guy who would wash my car, do my lawn and do my laundry and run errands for me. It was cool.


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