Radio Zenk - reviews   
"...easily our most popular and requested guest ever in the four year history of the show -Tom Zenk, back to - as Bob Marley would say 'Stir it up'" - Jeff Marek Live Audio Wrestling
From -  " For those who have never listened to any of Zenk’s audio show appearances, or never read the recaps, he’s one of the most quotable guests to ever appear on the shows.......   Luke Johnston would have a field day with filling editions of I Didn’t Say It with the quotes Zenk rattles off. Take a gander at these Zenk quotes:
* “So I hope Bischoff just takes his old timer crew and goes run the roller derby or Battledome - and we'll take a fresh crew of TBS guys and we'll start our own program and I bet within one year you could draw higher ratings.”

* “(Diamond Dallas) Page, you should throw yourself off a five story building rather than mess with Scotty Steiner. That would be the safer bet.”

* “Page is a geek and (Brian) Pillman hated his guts.”

* “It's over for Dusty Rhodes (impersonating Dusty) ‘Terri Runnels seems to be doing best of all the Runnels family because she learned her knowledge by penetration not deviation, if you weel.’”

* “Hogan is old - bald means old, right?” (Note to Tom Zenk: I’m balding, and I’m only 29 years old. Then again, maybe I don’t want to give Hogan an excuse.)

* “But Vince (McMahon) has spread himself too thin and what's going to happen when the XFL players start taking bumps and taking Vicodin and Percodin and the bodies start piling up with Governor Ventura and Dick Ebersol looking on.”

* “Vince is the same guy in the (1994 steroids) court case who said Tom Zenk was the kind of guy who would take steroids from a garbage can. Well, if that's the case, I guess Vince was the one who tripped me on the way to the can.”

How’s that for quotes? Damn, I wish I had cast my vote for Tom Zenk as Best Interviewee in the RSPW Awards…even if it would have been disqualified, Zenk’s audio show interviews are more entertaining than even the best Rock promo."


Zenk beats out Madden in Wrestling Observer poll to replace Lawler.

Missy Hyatt on Meltzer's Wrestling Observer Live 1/31/2001

Dave Meltzer - "You know what's so funny - Zenk's made a great rep doing this show and some other shows. If he ever did that when he was an active wrestler, he'd have been a superstar."

Missy Hyatt - "Oh my god, I know. No one ever gave him a chance."

Missy Hyatt - "Elektra loves Tom Zenk. She wants to meet him. She listens to the show all the time and she likes to listen to Tom Zenk. And she wants him to do the Brian Pillman show next year because she wants to come - And she wants to do that Wayne's World 'I'm not worthy' to Tom Zenk. She says he's the best talker.

left - Elektra, soon to be on the cover of Playboy

The LAW interview (12/23) that sparked Bob Ryder's attack on Zenk on behalf of Eric Bischoff.
"Zenk has been critical of the proposed sale of WCW to Bischoff. Bob is a smart little toad. He knows that EB will soon be back, so why not curry favor with him. Either that or he doesn't want Zenk's legitimate questions re the propriety of the WCW sale to gain momentum."Creachman,

Bob Bischoff

 Other Reviews
"As an interview Zenk's a Hall of Famer. If you can put personal feelings aside, he's got some legit criticism and ideas on how to turn WCW around."
"Zenk was a 'guilty pleasure' of mine in wrestling. I thought he had loads of talent and the ability to be both heel and face.... Some may say 'sour grapes' but we should appreciate a pro wrestler being so candid and open in his interviews.."

"Zenk is brutally honest. Now if he wanted to return, he's got a ready made gimmick.."

"What does it say about Zenk that he didn't main event in WCW? ...What does it say about Steve Austin, Mick Foley, and The Undertaker? Tom Zenk, in his little internet throwdowns, has proven that he was much more marketable than what that half-assed company got out of him. He's got quite the mouth on him."

"Bob Ryder loves to lie, and hold things back. Tom Zenk comes across as an honest, down to earth person. I may not agree with what Tom Zenk says, but at least his views aren't influenced by WCW signing his paychecks. Maybe Mr. Ryder doesn't like Tom Zenk's appearences, because it exposes shows such as WCW Live for what they are. A shill show hosted by shills."

'Could Zenk get a booking job or perhaps a behind the scenes job with WCW/WWF with his wrestling perspective?'

"Tell me a presidential debate between Ole and Zenk wouldn't be fun."

How great was it to see the Conquistadors?

Conquistadors?? Bring back the Can-Am Connection! I wanna see Tom Zenk shoot all over everyone with a live mic!


"A shoot of the highest order!"

"More shooting in 2 hours than in Compton on a Saturday night ..... Zenk's carpet bombing... spared the women but the children were all fair game!!"

"For me, it all started last Friday when Dave Meltzer had Tom Zenk on his wrestle-talk show on Having been something of a mark for Zenk, I decided to tune in. What followed was nothing short of hilarious.

There was more shooting in that two hours than in Compton on a Saturday night. Zenk basically held court and fired at anyone and everyone that he had ever dealt with in the industry. He praised the good guys and he absolutely brought his “A” game shooting on the bad guys. He talked about Kevin Sullivan, Ole Anderson (and what he would do for $750,000), Dusty Rhodes, Verne Gagne, Ric Flair, Bill Watts, and anyone else that came to mind. He might have spared the women – but the children (like Dusty’s kid and Ric’s kid and especially Watts’ kid) were all fair game.

By the time Zenk was done with his carpet-bombing, even Meltzer himself didn’t seem entirely sure whether to laugh or cry. It was a shoot of the highest order. And, it was one of the best wrestling talk shows I’ve ever heard. If you haven’t checked it out, it is archived at and you’ll be cheating yourself if you don’t."

"so vulgar, so tasteless, and so disturbing ...."

To say that Zenk was the most entertaining guest in the history of the show would be putting it mildly. If you want to hear a man shoot on just about everything and everyone he was involved with during his wrestling career, and send Meltzer into uncharacteristic hysterics with many of his stories, listen to this show. Zenk is simply hilarious, and he even gets a shot in at Ole Anderson that is so vulgar, so tasteless, and so disturbing that even we, with our admittedly low standards, won't repeat it here. Do yourself a favor -- go listen to the show. (Shooters / News / Friday News Update)
'no pushes for naturally funny WCW talents' - Meltzer
Meltzer commented that if Tom Zenk had done the same type of interviews in WCW that he does on Wrestling Observer Live, WCW would have had to give him a push. Alverez responded that WCW would have taken Zenk off of TV. The hosts talked about how WWF talents who are naturally funny get over, while naturally funny WCW talents do not." (October 23, 2000 Wrestling Observer Live)

'incredible...surprising and disturbing' 
"Zenk's guest spot on the Meltzer show was incredible, as he burned every bridge left in the business and completely cut the proverbial knees out of everyone in the WCW front office from 1989 until the present. He may never get another job in the business again, but poor Dave was in tears of laughter by the end. Awesome show. Worth listening to if only to find out exactly what Ole Anderson would do for Sting's $750,000 a year salary. As a note, the answer will probably surprise and disturb you." Scott Keith

from the UK -'an absolute blast'
"Thanks to the advent of unmetered access in the UK, I've started listening to Dave Meltzer's show ... Last Friday's shoot with Tom Zenk was an absolute blast. One of the funniest things I've listened to in years. So if you want to know what Ole Anderson would do for $750,000, I'd tune in if I was you!"
"you'll laugh your ass off when Zenk's on!" (Meltzer promo)
 more reviews below
Tom's appearance on Meltzer's Wrestling Oberver Live (10/6/2000) voted 'Greatest Wrestling Observer Live EVER" by listeners (10/13/2000) 
Zenk is God - Yeah he is!!!
As I type this, I have heard the first 22 minutes of the interview and I have been laughing out loud more times than I can ever remember for any other interview. In that short time alone, he has insulted, or put over (or both) Bischoff, Russo, Dusty Rhodes, Hart, Hogan, Ric Flair, David Flair, Kevin "Breck Girl' Nash, Wade Keller, and Meltzer. The guy is absolutely hysterical. His discussion of the fact that Flair gave more offense to Vince Russo than to him is worth the price of admission alone. Also he put over the fact that Bischoff ran the company into the ground and now may be helping buy it back for a bargain basement price - a bold kind of conflict of interest on Bischoff's part, to say the least! (Rage of Angels  10/9/2000 )

Dylan Waco
Oct-09-00, 03:03 PM (est) "TOM ZENK IS GOD!"
I swear to god, Zenk is the funniest person I have ever heard. He does great Jim Barnett and Dusty Rhodes impersonations, and tells of how he once questioned Sting's drawing power to Ole Anderson with the absolute greatest line ever: "The people are dressed like chairs!"

Mariah82  10-09-00
"Well Zenk said a few things which would have annoyed a few people but it was hilarious. I could have sworn he made a comment towards Mikey T also. And I give credit toward anyone who tips a bucket on Sting and DDP...."

FredVII 10/07/2000 "Tom Zenk is the greatest guest ever - Right or wrong, he's damn entertaining and this shows that he was SORELY misused just based upon his persona."

HappyJack 10/06/2000 "That line he said about Ole Anderson has me near pissing my pants."

"Many are saying it was the greatest show in our history. Maybe the funniest." - Dave Meltzer

"The greatest show in Observer Live's history" - 48% of Dave Meltzer's listeners

Philadelphia Monday 2 July  7pm - 8pm est
Tom Zenk live on Wrestle This!  Pro Wrestling Radio WNJC1360AM

"What a show this week......."

"the most bizarre interview the Wrestlethis guys have ever done.......

"This was one of the wildest interviews we've ever had on Wrestlethis! The show got out of control.....

..... Zenk said that even at Wrestlemania III, wrestlers were using cocaine. At other times, he was made the lookout, because the other wrestlers knew that he was cool about it. Zenk said that felony drug use was prevalent back in 1987, so he questions the validity of Foley’s statements on drug use today. In fact, Zenk said Mr. Socko is more credible then Foley. Steveski asked Zenk if he had heat with Foley. Zenk said that he has no heat with Mick Foley but, (referring to Foley) "He likes those checks coming in from Vince McMahon." 

..... Zenk referred to Vince McMahon on Larry King Live, where he said he was against steroid use. But Vince was using steroids as an announcer - why would an announcer need steroids? ........

Noting that Foley said that he was a good friend with Brian Pillman, but that he characterized Pillman as an "accident waiting to happen" Zenk asked - if Foley was such a good friend to Brian, then why didn’t he stop him......

Zenk said that Foley was becoming a P.R. whore for Vince.  Foley claimes to be worried about prescription drugs, while Jim Ross focused on felony drugs. ..... but neither supported the idea of drug testing.  Should a  public company not do drug testing ? Zenk said hilariously that the Wrestlethis guys and him should go buy shares of WWF stock, show up to the Shareholder’s meeting, and then speak their mind (although he admitted that they would probably be thrown out)......  transcript

Friday June 29, 2001

Missy Hyatt on Wrestling Observer Live 

Tom Zenk - "the hottest guy in wrestling"
"they were a lot afraid of him - THAT HE WOULD GET OVER because if he ever got over - if he had been given a push - he would have been over bigger than ANYBODY ..."

Missy Hyatt  - "Tom Zenk is the one man that I wish III would have slept with. I had the biggest crush on him for years, and years and years and years. And the guy wouldn't even give me the time of day.

Dave Meltzer -  Bwaahaaaahaaa

Missy - "He's in my book - in my top ten regrets list...."<

Dave - "Really...?"

Missy - "One of my top ten regrets is that I never got to sleep with Tom Zenk. I was in love with him for years and years. And years."

Dave - "Wow - now when he's on the show we're gonna have to..."

Bryan Alvarez - "Yeah We're gonna have to ask him when he's on the show.."

Missy - "Ask him. Because you know what. I was so totally in love with him that I used to follow him around. Like, if he would turn around he'd walk right through me. Tom Zenk was the hottest guy in wrestling...."

Bryan - "Tom. you've got two minutes to call in if you're listening....

Meltzer-  Bwahaaaahaaaa"

Missy - "Tom Zenk is the hottest guy, the best body, a great worker ...but I mean - just his face .. and he was smart too. He has brains ... which is really uncommon...."

Dave - "He has comedy..."

Missy - "And comedy!!!"

Dave - "No-body knew that then...actually I did..."

Missy - "I knew it!"

Dave - "Actually I knew it too, I knew it too...."

Missy - "I knew it because I always...."

Bryan - "Unfortunately the wrong people knew that .."

Dave - "Bawahaaaaa!! Actually I think the other people were AFRAID of it.That's more true!"

Missy - "Actually they were a lot afraid of him - THAT HE WOULD GET OVER because if he ever got over - if he had been given a push - he woulllld have been over bigger than ANYBODY - because he was so hot...">

Dave - "Well?.. I don't know ..because he never got ... he always got that beginnings of a push and then that was about it..."

Missy - "He never got a push.. y'know"

Bryan - "That was [true] about half the people in that company though..."

Dave - "Yes. As soon as they started getting a reaction, it was like well y'know,  there [must be] something wrong with this guy. Tom Zenk, I think with Tom Zenk I think it was like [they claimed] 'he didn't have the right attitude'..."

Missy - "He had a GREAT attitude!!"

Dave -  "No no I'm just saying that was like ...."
Bryan -  ".... their excuse!"

Dave- " Well, they couldn't say he was too short, like [they say about ] everybody else ..."

Missy - "He had good looks and there were certain people like let's say oh Kevin Sullivan,  certain people like that who were JEALOUS of his good looks. OK! Ole Anderson , people like that - all jealousy!!"

Dave - "Aow. We are right out of time. Missy this was quite the show!!"


1- 3pm Saturday - June 9, 2001   Part 2 of Tom Zenk  on KGUY 1010AM Portland, Oregon

Total Chaos Radio with Jim Valley 

"truth from the lips of the Z Man"

from Pacific North West Newsboards

(6/9/01 4:48:43 pm)
 Re: Jim Valley Show
 Jim...........Another Great show..............Zenk again was at his best.......No matter how bad the callers tried to make Rose look, the bottom line was that Zenk still had nothing but Great things to say about Buddy...........Even ended up the show by saying that Everyone goes through their bad times during their career, and Drugs was what he was refering too.......He said they all have had their time involving the recreational bad habits......He also stated that Rick Martel says that Rose is quite a Ring General........What truth coming from the lips of the Z Man ......Props to Jim for another quality show.........CCK

(6/9/01 5:02:59 pm)
 Great Radio Valley
 No matter how much is said good or bad about anyone, One person always comes out smelling like a Rose. Well Zenk said it like it is, no matter what, all the wrestlers including himself say that Recreational drugs were a part of  wrestling, and that Rose was a ring general. You can't get a compliment bigger then that. Valley, another great show. Keep them coming.

(6/10/01 11:58:35 pm)
 You Can't knock Success!!!
Whatever fans or people think or feel about some of the guys in the wrestling world, there are always two sides to every story!!! And when you hear the side of a veteran Wrestler like Zenk, who has nothing to lose by telling the truth, we all are priviliged to hear the true story!! Valley, you are knocking out great shows every week!!! Love the way you get great talent every week!!!

(6/10/01 11:27:50 pm)
  Jim Valley, Great Show
 Sometimes the truth hurts some of the fans, and bashers!!! But when Zenk talked about Rose being a Ring General, who by the way he was also quoting Rick Martel, and by his own experience, what more can you say!!! These are the things that are behind the scenes that the people would
never get a concept of what really goes on!!! Jim Valley, Great Show!!! By the way Valley, the last few shows you have done live, have been a first class act!!! Keep up the great work!!!

(6/10/01 2:50:59 am)
 Jim Valley
Great show as usual. It reminded of the Colorado Avalanche, Pro Hockey Team, winning the Stanley cup Saturday over New Jersey. Why? It was Veterans, some as old as 40 years old, along with experience and knowledge, that help them win the Stanley Cup over a much younger, New Jersey Devils team. They were both great teams, but age and experience, willl always win out over youth. Point being, what the eyes and ears see, the mind believes. But in reality, things are not always what they seem to be. Tom Zenk, another great show with Jim Valley, bringing out the truth about what, and who some of the wrestlers are. Loved it.


1- 3pm Saturday - June 2, 2001   Tom Zenk and Dr K. (from parts unknown)
on KGUY 1010AM Portland, Oregon
Total Chaos Radio with Jim Valley   Part 1

" Tom came out of the gates like a race horse ..... 
A real look at the behind the scenes of the wrestlers, and the big picture of a lot of careers ....  No holds barred ...   The truth is a powerful thing"

from Pacific North West Newsboards

(6/2/01 5:54:21 pm)

 Jim Valley Show
Great show today Jim..........The Z-Man Tom Zenk was a great guest.......He had some interesting views on a lot of guys, well actually bad mouthed many people, Except 1.........Since Tom was ripping out true feelings on guys like Flair, Billy Jack, Piper, Road Warrior Animal, and more.......The 1 person he didn't rip on, but instead had nothing but Great things to say was about The Playboy Buddy Rose........After some smart a$$ caller calls in and try's go get Z-Man to rip shots at Rose, Z lets the Truth fly about Rose......Telling us that Rose is a Genius, and that He was a Great worker and Had some of the best Ring Psychology there has ever been..............The caller of course, had his tail between his legs, and after he asked his question, hung up as fast as he could.........................Tommy Z spoke the truth, and was very professional.......... Outstanding Show Jim, Keep it up..................... 

(6/2/01 6:18:04 pm)
 Great Show Valley
You really got a behind the scenes look at what really is going on in wrestling. I could not believe how brutal, yet truthful it was. Hopefully you can have Republic on, and then Rose and Moretti on, and then let them tell their sides, like you let Tom and his friend do today. Great Show, and keep it up Valley. 

(6/3/01 1:37:05 am)
 @#%$ Act 
Mr. Jim Valley, your show today was one of the best. All your shows are informative. Tom Zenk had a lot to say, good and bad, mostly bad, but he made a lot of sense. He had a lot of nice things to say about Playboy Buddy Rose, and Scott Norton. But he had a lot of wild and crazy things to say about a lot of big names and promotions. He really came out of the gates like a race horse. He wasn't afraid to tell the truth, in his opinion, fact or not. I was laughing when you told him that it was not an internet show.  ..Beautiful show Mr. Valley. 

(6/3/01 7:41:25 pm)
 No Comebacks!!!
 Enough said!!! I LOVE IT!!! 

(6/2/01 6:27:05 pm)
 Valley Does It Again
Great show Valley. There were no holds barred. A real look at the behind the scenes of the wrestlers, and the big picture of a lot of careers. Keep up the good work. Tom and his friend came out swinging. Loved it. 

(6/4/01 12:55:15 am)
 I have another comeback.
This last show that Valley did was the most honest, yet opininated show he has ever done. When Tom Zenk was asked what he thought about Playboy Buddy Rose, Zenk said he was a genius, and had the best psychology of anyone .... the truth came from a wrestler .... Sometimes the truth is a powerful thing. Again Jim Valley, props to you for having Tom on the show, that really was fantastic.... Class act Valley, and keep up the great work.

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